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May's Point Of View


Anxious. I felt anxious. Brendan was here, I mean, he was here. My heart was beating so rapidly and hard, I knew that at any moment my breathing would be affected, too. My throat clogged with nervousness as I peeked my head further to watch the two, my teeth grazing at my lip as they exchanged awkward glances. Brendan smiled his beautiful smile, his eyes bright and playful. While my Mom, she narrowed her gaze and rolled her eyes. I found myself beginning to slip away from the wall and toward the two encounters, knees bucking at each other as I neared slowly.

I finally got to the point where I was standing right next to Mom, my hand on my hip as I stared out to what was in front of me. Brendan smiled even wider, waving a hand and chuckling. I gave a 'hmph' and crossed my arms. Mom sighed before straightening her posture, eyes locked on Brendan, and only Brendan. "So, young man, what is your purpose here?"

Brendan jumped slightly at the words 'young man', clearing his throat and leaning forward toward me. "Well, your daughter and I have a project we must finish. I'm hoping we could actually ace this, so I'm asking if I may take her out for the day and get some work done." I snorted to how proper he sounded, my eyes trailing up to meet Mom's unamused expression. I knew that she wouldn't make me if I didn't want to, which was one thing that I appreciated about her. But for once, that wasn't the case. Instead, Mom smiled. "Of course. Brendan, wasn't it?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Brendan saluted with a flick of his hand.

"Well then, it's settled. May, get ready please. Brendan, how about you come in and have some snacks, yes?" Mom demanded, waving Brendan in and shooing me away to get ready.

I gasped quietly, mouth hung ajar in disbelief toward how nice Mom was acting toward him even after the whole talk I gave her! Mom disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Brendan and I in silence as he sat on the couch; I standing near the hallway toward my room. He laid his gentle, calm amber gaze into my sapphire ones and gave a sheepishly, awkward smile. I ignored his friendliness and turned around, beginning to walk back into my room and slamming my door shut. I turned the lock of my door loudly, hopefully enough to hear that Brendan wasn't allowed here.

Sighing, I walked over to the closet and gently opened the double doors. The clothes hung neatly in straight lines, each separated and classified by color. Some thought it was odd for me to be so neat, too neat as some say. Sure, I could be very particular of things, but when you have an expiration date on your life like milk, all you ever want is for life to be in tact. Sighing, I inhaled the deep scent of mint and strawberry that made its way into my clothing. Brendan and I were out for one day, so I chose shorts and a tee-shirt. Nothing over the top, it wasn't like Brendan was someone special....

In the matter of a few seconds, I sighed and made my way out of my room and back to the living space. Mom was seated in a love-seat angled diagonally from Brendan, leaning forward and trying to keep a conversation. Brendan smiled sweetly, nodding and responding every once in a while. It was hard for me to say, but Brendan was great with people─ no doubt. I rolled my eyes and walked out to the clearing, slipping on my Converse and facing the two, hands on my hips. "I'm ready to go." I announced plainly.

"Good." Mom purred, standing up and stretching her arms above her head. I watched as Brendan did the same before walking over to meet with me at the door. "Have fun, stay safe, get some work done!" Mom said quickly, waving as we began to exit the home. I shut the door behind me, beginning to walk down the stairs that held the apartment together. Over the years, this place has been my only place of peace and serenity. But soon, it'll just be a large pile of rubble. The metal became rust, red and revolting, the stairs are barely stable enough to keep the body of one child going up the steps, and the locks to the doors don't always secure correctly.

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