Coming Out

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↳ ❝🫐 [coming out] ¡! ❞🥃

RENÉE TUGGED ON HER FINGERS IN ATTEMPT TO SOOTHE HER NERVES. It was stressful, being a 15 year old, trying to come to terms with herself and who she was as a person.

She never believed that her parents were hateful people. She knew they loved her unconditionally. She knew because even Hoseok, her father, said so.

"I don't care if you kill someone, hell, I'll help you hide the body. But, just as long as you have a good reason."

Lia gave him a look, only for her lips to turn into an unwilling smile. Hoseok was Hoseok, he had no filter. He made sure their daughter didn't grow up too spoiled.

Now, Renée wanted to come out to them, to tell them she liked girls. It wasn't like she was scared they'd throw her out and disown her, but she was scared that maybe they'd look at her different. Not that they'd stop loving her, more that they'd love her differently.

It was taking more courage than expected. Hoseok and Lia were out in the main area right now. It was Lia's turn to make dinner so Hoseok had to wash the dishes. She supposed she should do it now.

So Renée marched out of her room and made her way downstairs where, as expected, Lia was on the couch and the sound of water running in the kitchen confirmed that Hoseok was washing dishes.

"Dad, can you come here?" She called for him while looking at Lia who had perked up upon hearing her voice. "Did you get your homework done?" Renée nodded, chewing softly on her bottom lip.

"Doin' the dishes." Hoseok called back to her.

But she remained persistent. "It's really important, can you please come here?" When she looked back at her mom, she had a brow raised in question.

Hoseok turned off the water and took off the blue, rubber gloves he was wearing before walking back out into the living room to join his wife and daughter. He immediately noticed how tense Renée and gave the same questioning look as he sat down beside Lia.

They were both a beautiful couple. They've been together for 15 years and married for 8 and not once had they ever regretted their decision. They were still in their honeymoon phase, where you think you'll never fall out of love, that you'll be with them forever.

They rarely argued, and when they did, it was more of a disagreement in some ways. They weren't yelling or throwing things at each other.

It was a relationship to admire and strive for.

So Renée drew a deep breath and sighed. "I have something to tell you guys."

The same thought immediately entered both of their minds.

"Renée Nicole Jung. I swear to God if you're pregnant-" Lia began but Renée cut her off. "No- no, mom. I'm not pregnant." Oh how unlikely that would be.

Once again she tugged at her fingers.

"I'm gay."

Immediately the two let out a sigh of relief. Lia placed her hand on her chest, letting go of all the stress she made up for no reason. She looked up at Renée who kept staring at her shoes. She was scared of what they'd say, how they'd react.

Hoseok was always one to lighten a particularly grim mood with a joke. That's just who he was. He didn't do well in super tense situations. So, he smiled and got up going over to put his arm around his daughter.

"Well, I can't blame you, girls are hot. I mean, I love pussy too. You take after your father. I can't be more proud." His words make Renée smile, laughing.

In all honesty, they both already knew. Parents just know those types of things. They didn't feel any different about her. She was still their daughter, the love of their lives.

Lia sighed and came over as well. "Ignore him." She glared at her husband who only gave her a cheeky grin. "What he means is that we love you more than anything in the world and nothing will change that. Love who you want to love, okay? Don't let anyone tell you who you are." She cupped Renée's face in her hands and kissed her head.

Hoseok kissed her head too. "Don't ignore me. I meant what I said. I'll help you get all the girls."

Renée giggled. "Yeah, I think I know more about getting girls than you, Dad."

"Oh, so you got game?" Hoseok gave her a challenging eye. "I got your mom to bed less than 2 hours after meeting and I ended up getting her to marry me. Ain't nobody got more game than me." Oh how was that a bragging point for Hoseok. He had vowed on his life that no one had more game than him.

Lia decided not to enter herself into this conversation between father and daughter. That was their relationship, arguing over who had the most game,

"I've got 40 years under my belt."

"Oh so you was gettin' girls out of the womb?"

"Damn straight."

She was so much like her dad.

*.✧ Kᴀʏs Eɴᴅɪɴɢ Nᴏᴛᴇs

I decided to post this small extra chapter with the Epilogue because why not?

Thank you all for reading. I hope you guys enjoyed and I wish you all a wonderful day/night.


~Kay ⊂(•‿•⊂ )*.✧

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