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10 days until halloween

i woke up to shoota shaking me.

"what? i groaned.

"i was bored. alegend sleep. alisa sleep. i'm bored.

"nigga you woke me up cuz you was bored?! he nodded and laid down next to me. "you funny. i laid back down in the opposite direction and fell asleep again.



"lovely do you think we could go trick or treating? alisa asked.

"um, i don't think so. covid is high risk right now. but we can buy candy and watch scary movies if you want to.

"okay. i'm gettin tired imma go take a nap upstairs call me when lunch is ready. i nodded and she left.

"mommy. alegend said walking in the kitchen with his juice and rubbing his eyes.

"what's wrong?

"i tired. i picked him up and carried him to his room.

"you wanna take a nap like alisa?


i laughed. he like doin anything alisa does. "okay go to sleep. i pulled the blanket on him and turned the light out before leaving the room.

the living room was a mess! there's was toys everywhere. i started to pick them up and put them back where they go when i heard a car pull in the drive way.

seconds later shoota walks through the door. he kicked off his shoes and took off his jacket before comin over to me.

"hey ma. he said kissin my cheek. he smelt like weed and cologne. my favoriteeeee.

"hey. i was still picking up the toys as i spoke.

"where the kids at?

"napping upstairs.

"why they always sleepin?

"you bought a big ass house and all the toys they could ever ask for. they have a fuckin field day.

he laughed and helped pick up the toys wit me. once we were done he sat on the couch.

i went to take a shower and thought it'll be fun to fuck wit shoota. i got out and put short shorts on and a cami.

i walked out the room and into the living room.

"you hungry? i asked him.

"yea. he replied not looking up.

i took two frozen pizzas out the freezer. "which one? i asked. he still didn't look. "bae. which one hurry up.

"huh? the pepperon- ohhh. he said finally looking up.

"pepperoni? i asked he nodded and i went back in the kitchen.

i turned around with the frozen pizza box in my hand when i noticed shoota in the kitchen. "whatchu want? i asked.

he pulled me by my waist and kissed me. rubbin all on me and shit. lifted me up and put me on the counter.

"boy move. i joked pushing him away. "i got pizza to cook.

"fuck that pizza. he took the box from me and tossed it on the other side of the counter. "it'll be here later.

he made me straddle him as he carried me to our room.

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