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benz stayed over with me to help with the kids. legend woke up first. he came over to me holding his paw patrol blanket.

"hey baby. i said picking him up. he laid his head on my chest and huffed. "you hungry? i asked him. he nodded and started playing with my hair.

i made him some food and set him down at the table. i cooked pancakes, bacon, and eggs for the older ones. legend is a picky eater and he doesn't like to finish eating his food so i always give him what he asks for and in the right portions.

"goodmorning. i said to the girls as they walked in.

"goodmornin they said sitting at the table with legend.

"hey little guy. alisa said touching his cheek.

"no. he replied swatting her hand.

"legend stop hitting." i said as i placed their plates in front of them.

"he hates me.

"no he doesn't don't say that. essie said.

"he does yesterday he hit me in the eye with the tennis ball and now he won't let me touch him.

"no. he said with a angry face.

they were almost done eating with benz walked in. "wassup young bloods. he said to them and hugged them.

"ahjee. what time you went to sleep last night?

"like 2." truth is i didn't i was up all night researching and trying to figure out this whole fuxkin dilemma with jaymo. i hit so many dead ends i soon gave up. by the time i did the sun was rising.

"oh okay, you heard about the storm that's gonna hit?

"what storm?

"hurricane ida.

"are we gonna die? alisa asked.

"we might that shits gonna kill us! benz told them in a joking way.

"don't tell them that. i said handing him his breakfast.

"everything's gonna be fine. just like every other hurricane okay?



this storm is bouta hit like crazy. i told myself as i got in the car to pick up the kids.

i went to give lovely and kiss and she pulled me back. "you okay? she asked. i nodded. she kissed me and told me to go. i touched her stomach and headed out the door.

"hello detroit. the radio said as i turned it on. "we are expecting a hurricane in the next couple of hours with heavy rain and win-." i cut that off and turned on some music.

when i arrived it started trickling a little bit and the girls ran to my car with their bags over their head tryna protect their hair. benz brought legend out and put him in his car seat before comin to my window.

"aight bro imma catch you get home safely. he said dappin me up. i watched him get in his car and ahjee waved from her door. i waved back and we both pulled off.

i saw the car again. the same one from when i dropped the girls off. this time someone was in it. i couldn't make out who it was.


"hey mommy baby! lovely says scooping up alegend and smotherin him in kisses.

"mommy! he tired to escape but she was holdin him tightly.

"aye ion get that treatment. i said and she laughed.

"had fun?

"yes. he said digging in his pocket.

Gang Shit BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now