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4 days later
at jaymo's funeral

jaymo's mom was up on the stage at the church. i sat in the front row as she spoke.

"i love my son & everyone that knew him knew he loved making people happy. he told me he wanted his voice to be heard at his funeral. but out the mouth of the girl of his dreams. she looked over at me and my eyes got wide as i moved my bag off my lap.

"ahjee baby. she said with her hand stretched out. i stood up and grabbed it as she helped me on the stage.

my eyes shot directly to lovely in the crowd. she gave me a soft smile white alegend slept in her arms. katorah stayed home i didn't want her here anyway.

for the first time in forever i wz speechless. there was a lump in my throat that stayed no matter how many times i swallowed or attempted to clear it.

"if it was one thing i can say about you jaymo it'll be that you were too pure for this world. you had a genuine heart and was willing to share it with anybody that you felt needed it. i glanced over at his picture on the easel. tears built in my eyes but didn't escape.

"i'll never forget all the advice you've given me along with the memories we shared those are unforgettable. i stammered i wz still in denial i looked down at his closed casket i didn't want to believe he was inside of that box all closed up.



we were now at the gravesite. everyone were saying their last words and thoughts to jaymo. i wz doing okay. that was until they started to lower his casket into the ground.

"no. i said lowly at first. "no. no! NO! i yelled pushing past people. "jaymo! i felt someone pull me back and it was shoota.

"ahjee you gotta calm down.

"no kendrick get him out that box he can't breathe in there. remember? remember when we put him in the closet at ur house and he said he was claustrophobic?" he looked at me with pity in his eyes. "you have to get him out of there he can't breathe."

"ahjee he's in a better place now." all i remember is being pulled away from the gravesite before everything went black.

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