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we rode to the hospital in separate cars. shoota is with benz and lovely and i are in the car with alegend.

so many emotions are running through my head. i'm losing people left and right. benz is critical. jaymo's dead. shoota and i aren't cool right now. bro what the fuck.

we sat in the hospital waiting room jus me and shoota. he told lovely and alegend to go home.
we sat across from each other and it was quiet. an awkward quiet.

i understand why he's mad. but i didn't purposely put them in harms way. this is what jaymo was talking about. this job this hustle is dangerous. it breaks apart friendships and lives. the way alegend clinged onto me in the crawl space hurt my heart. i never want him to feel unsafe in my home. i should've let this hustle go a long time ago.

a tear ran down my face and hit my arm. "ahjee. shoota said. i wiped my face and looked at him.

"i didn't make to make you cry bro.

"i'm not cryin over yo bitch ass yellin. i said and sniffed.

"sick ass. he joked and sat next to me. "why you cryin?


"yea i miss that nigga too.

now that i think about it. jaymo had a friendship with shoota before anybody. that's how i met him in the first place. they was like brothers then eventually kiro came into the mix and they was unbreakable. until jaymo and i moved out of detroit. not together but we both moved around the same time.

"he was right. all he was tellin me that i needed to leave. i needed to get away that this shit is hectic. way to hectic for me. and i didn't listen to him.

"yea you don't do that very well. i mugged him and he shrugged. "im sorry for blowin up on you back at the house. he said.

i shook my head. "i understand.

"i jus couldn't get the thought of losing lovely or alegend out my head. when she called me i've never dropped my shit so quick. the only thing that i kept thinking about was my boy.

"it's coo shoota. no hard feelins.


the doctor told us that benz was going to be okay and he was grazed by the bullet. he said we can see him if we wanted to.

when we walked in he was sitting up eating some pringles.

"fat ass nigga bro."

"man i'm hungry asl. he said smacking on them.

"bro you know who did this shit? shoota asked them.

"shona & her brothers.

"i thought it was king people.

benz nodded. "the niggas had the gang tat."

my mind thought back to the night at the king pin. how all of them had tattoos on their hands. the same tattoo.

"we'll handle them. you good?" i asked benz

" oh yea i'm straight i jus wanted attention a nigga felt a lil unappreciated. i laughed and shook my head. "where's alegend? he good? i nodded

"i got him out the crawl space. he said benny told him to get in there.

"yea i did. lil nigga was fast asl tho cuz i looked away and he wz gone. i didn't know if he made it there or not. that's what was killing me fr. fuck this gun shot.

"you protected my son. shoota said dappin him up. "good shit.

"that lil nigga is sum different. but yea i'm good. you can't kill me imma real nigga real niggas don't die.

we laughed. "some shit jus dawned on me. i said.


"both him and lovely got grazed by a bullet by the same crew of people. you know what that tells you.

"them niggas can't aim. benz said making shoota laugh. "how tf you shoot at two mfks n they both alive like jus put ya gun down bucko this life is not for you."

i laughed it's hard not to this nigga benz is a clown. "wait you said shona was wit them. shoota asked and he nodded.

"what the fuck was shona doin there."

"who's shona? i asked in confusion

"this chick lovely used to be friends wit. ugly ass girl that's always wearing them big ass filas.

"the bitch you hit wit the car! benz yelled out causing us to all laugh.

oh yea...why was she there.

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