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it's been about a week since jaymo came back and i've never been so happy.

"jay jay come on. for we be late to this baby shower.

"how i look. he said stepping into the hallway.

he had his grey nike tech on which completed my gray mini dress.

"you always gotta be like me. i said.

"we gotta make sense. i shook my head and grabbed the present off the couch. which he later took from me and put in the car.

once we pulled up i got ready to get out when i froze.


"this the first time they gon see you. i said looking at him.

"you're right.

i could hear music bumpin from the inside of the place.

"stay here i'll get your boys. i said gettin out.

i walked in through the front door with the gift and alisa was the first to see me.

"AHJEE! she said running over. she had a pretty lavender dress on with her custom jordan's i got her for christmas last year.

"hey baby! where's your brother?

"he's in the kitchen with kiro and benz. i walked up to lovely sitting on the couch and hugged her.

"hey girl! she said embracing me. i set the gift beside her and greeted her as well.

"i gotta get shoota i have a little surprise for him.

"he's in the kitchen. she turned back to jayla and talked.

"you motherfuckers.

"ahjeeeee. they said as i walked in.

"what's goin on where you been? shoota asked.

"jus here and there doin my own shit.

"we was jus talkin bout how we all needa do something together.

"like what? i asked grabbing a glass and pouring wine into it.

"a vacation or something.

"i'm down. i said and sipped my glass.

we stood around for a little bit and talked. "aight we needa pop this graffiti." shoota said sittin up off the counter.

"oh shit, wait, i gotta surprise for you guys.

"do you? they asked and i nodded.

they followed me through the hall and outside.

"oh shit you gon give me your porsche truck? shoota asked. i laughed and shook my head.

"somebody been waiting to see ya.

they looked at eachother confused and jaymo opened the door and got out.

"MY NIGGA! they said and tackled this man.

seeing them together was like long distance brothers. they hugged him tighter than they hugged anyone. they all dropped a couple tears.

"thought yo ass was gone. they said.

"i'm not goin out like that bro.

once we all said what we had to say we walked in the party.

"is that jaymo? i heard lovely say. i nodded

"so he's- man what. i thought he died.

"very long story. that bitch shona the bitch i hit wit my car is on my shit list.


"okay everybody get together.

the sun finally started to set and Jaymo got comfortable with everyone. Lovely and Kendrick had a confetti bomb as well as Alisa and Alegend.
it's cute cuz their all a little family.

phones were out recording as they counted down. 5..4..3..2..1 ITS A....GIRL! everyone screamed as pink graffiti filled the air and fell down. they all jumped around except for alegend.

"mommy mine didn't go. he said. she opened it properly and it popped. "ou it's pink. he said smiling.

he hugged his lovely and shoota picked him up.
"you gon have a little sister buddy. he said to him. he didn't say anything he jus smiled. he looked genuinely happy.

"alisa. he said and she turned to him. they shared a hug. it wasn't a regular hug. they came a long way. they came over to me, jaymo, kiro, jayla and benz. we all hugged and exchanged congratulations.

it felt like the end of a movie where everything ends the way it should.

i looked up the street as the sun set and saw three trucks sitting facing us side by side. the smile on my face faded.

"what's wrong mama? jay asked me.

not on lovely & shoota's day bro.

"it's just always something.

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