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2 weeks later

i looked over at lovely laying in the bed sleep. she outta sit this one out.

i took my time getting ready i really didn't want to go see one of my best friends laying in a casket. it wasn't how i wanted to celebrate his death.

i was getting ready to head out when Alisa walked up to me. she didn't say anything she just hugged me. i hugged her back.

i pulled away and turned to leave when my phone started to ring. it was aero.

"you headin out? he asked.

"yea. i said and closed the door behind me.

i drove off. pulling into ahjee's neighborhood, i saw people i wasn't familiar with.

i scoffed and turned the car off. "where were they when he was here?"

i walked in the house people were standing around, i could see into the backyard where chairs were set up, and a lil podium.

where the fuck she get a podium from? i thought. i shrugged and walked out there. it was decorated nicely, you can tell she did it herself.

"Long Live Benz" it said with his picture.

"yo. i heard from behind me. i turned and looked it was jaymo.

"waddup man. i said dappin him up.

"how you? he asked.

"man, what is there to say about this shit bro.

"life's short. you gotta do what you can do. he said.

"how's ahjee?

"she's been better. i think it's time for her to get out this life she's in.

i looked at him. jaymo was pretty damn good at concealing his emotions, which ahjee hated, but i can tell he was scared. he doesn't want her to be next.

i nodded. "me too.


i smoothed my hands over my dress before walking up to the podium. i looked at people i didn't know, people i once knew, and the people i love.

"i was gonna read from a paper today, it took me some time to write it, but i wanted it to be genuine. benz was like my little brother."

my heart sank a little with the word was.

"he was funny, generous, determined, and so stubbornly loyal. he made everyone laugh. we used to fight a lot. and we'll always say some mean shit to each other that we knew we never meant. we always made up in the end though. we always bounced back like nothing ever happened."

i looked at jaymo, kendrick, aero, yaritzi, kiro, and jayla in the front row.

"the last time i had to stand at a podium like this one, the person wasn't dead, but i can't say the same for now. the crazy thing is i watched him grow and live, but i didn't want to watch the last moments of his life be taken from him. that's the shit that sits with you forever." a tear fell. jaymo got up and joined me. reassuring me with a hand on my back, he takes the mic.

"i think i'm speaking for everyone when i say this,  benz will never be forgotten." he looked down at me. "that's all thank you for coming out."


it was getting late. we were catching up on each other and talking about benz.

are you okay?

omw rn.

"aight ya imma head out" i said dappin everyone up.

"bye shoota." ahjee said i hugged her.

"keep your head up aight." she nodded.

"oh shit hold on. jaymo said gettin up. "here i thought you'll want this.

it was a picture of benz and legend in the mirror smiling.

"i never seen this one.

"we found it in his wallet when we went to get his stuff. have a good night man.

the whole ride home i was thinking about what jaymo said.

i opened the door and lovely was on the couch. pregnant asl.

"hey, she said when i walked in. "you look handsome in a suit.

"ain't you already pregnant? i said making her laugh. i hugged her

"look at this. i handed her the picture.

"aweee. benny & my baby.

"he had it in his wallet.

"he really loved our boy.

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