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Ahjee was always it & always will be. She's about her business and gets done what needs to get done. She was like this for as long as anyone can remember.
Before the cars, money, & houses. There was Ahzani. (Uh-za-knee) The pretty girl that kept to herself. She was what a lot of the girls in the school wanted to be. She was smart, funny, quiet, and most of all gorgeous.
She knew was too tier. It was the way she carried herself. She always had smooth, healthy skin. Her hair was always done. She always smelled good and had the nicest clothes. That was a perk of having a gang leader as your father. Everyone say the perks but only one knew the real.
Everyone in the city knew who Ahzani's father was. People feared him more than anything and he knew it. He fed off of that thought and it only pushed him further. Ahzani feared him to. But with Ahzani it's different. She feared her father more than she loved him. She watched the man that was supposed to give her the world rip it out her hands.
Ahzani saw alot. But what she didn't see was her father beating her mother to the ground and continuing to kick her. She didn't see her father steal from her. She doesn't remember sitting at the window and watching as the ems took her mothers body away. She doesn't remember waiting for her mom to return. But she remembers being dressed in black at her aunts house to attend the funeral. 5 year old Ahzani couldn't comprehend. As far as she knew her father was a good person and that her mom went away for a while.
Ahzani wanted to be who her father was. Not because she chose to. She felt she needed to. She worked. Long, stressful, painful nights. Lead to hard, reckless, forgetful mornings.
Although Ahzani and Ahjee are the same person. Their different movements and mindsets. Ahzani wants to stay young and live in the moment. She loves everything about the earth from the animals to how it came to be. She studied psychology and wanted to be a therapist when she got older. More importantly she choose herself. But Ahjee is different. Ahjee lived for her father. She was like a guinea pig to him. She wished to own an empire of her own. She wanted to be known in her city. she wanted people to know who she was. She wanted to not have to introduce herself when she walked in a room. She wanted to be her father. She knew it was wrong but she wanted to earn his love.
It took her a while to realize a child shouldn't have to earn the love of their parent. She realized he was the reason she is the way she is. And she hated him. It came a time when she had to choose between her life and his. She knew she couldn't be at peace with him still alive. So she did what she had to do.
But unfortunately the damage was already done. Ahzani was gone. And Ahjee took her place.

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