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"come on lovely." i said grabbin bags and shit.

So much has been going on lately. Lovely bouta pop. We've had labor scares for the past week.

"Kendrick get the keys, GET THE FUCKIN KEYS!"

"Alright alright damn." i grabbed them and helped her in the car.

"Alisa stay here with your brother." She nodded.

Alisa and I had a talk the other night. She feels that legend should know her as his sister rather than his aunt since their practically being raised together.

"Kendrick drive." Lovey said between breaths.

I sped to the hospital and we got out.

"My wife is going into labor." I told the doctors. They quickly took out a gurney and rolled her into one of the rooms.

All that flashed through my mind was the nursery. We all painted the walls and we built a little crib for her. All that good stuff.

"Kendrick" she said reaching for my hand. I took it.

"I'm right here ma."

"I can feel here comin."

I looked at the doctor and she nodded. "She's been in labor for the past few hours now, have you guys not noticed?"

"She was probably in the shower when her water broke then. ironic."

After a lot of pep talking and pushing. She was finally here. It felt so quick. It felt like it was jus yesterday we found out she was pregnant again.


"She's so beautiful." i said as lovely kissed her little nose.

"she looks like me." i smacked my teeth.

"You had to ruin a good moment." she laughed and passed her to me.

"She so little, and she smell so good. she's a lot smaller than alegend was."

"We never thought of a name."

"There's no rush."

We sat with her for a minute while she opened her eyes and looked around. Few moments later the door to the room opened and little alegend and Alisa came walking in.

"awe the baby!" she whispered.

"Go wash your hands first." Lovely told them, and they did. They always listened to lovely.

"baby!" legend said as i gave her to him. he smiled, he didn't stop smiling till we took her home the next day and she started to cry.

"Don't cry baby, don't cry." he would say petting her stomach. "Mommy she still cryin."

"Cuz she's hungry." Lovely said as I shook the bottle up. I handed it to her and she feed her.

"Wanna try?" Lovely said to legend. He smiled and got in her lap. She showed him how to hold the bottle the right way.

"This how mommy and daddy used to feed you when you were a baby too."

"Did I cry like Sage cried mommy?"

"Not really."

"How- How you get my name mommy. How?"

"It was a few months before you got here. I jus thought of it."

"And her." he said pointing to Sage.

"She just looked like a Sage. Alegend Kamari Price & Sage Price"

"I have three & she has two. is it cuz hers little?"

"No, i just couldn't think of a middle name for her that's all."

"Oh" he just watched as his mom feed his sister and kissed her forehead every 10 mins.

We finally put everyone to sleep before laying down again.

"kendrick you kept calling me your wife in the hospital."

"Cuz u are.

"I don't have a ring.

"You will."



Jaymo and I been pretty busy in our own lives. We still have time for eachother just not as much as we used to. Since benz's death i've had two times the work on me.

"Ahzani." He called me gettin in the bed.

"yk you're the only one that called me that on a regular basis."

"cuz i'm different."

i smiled and shook my head. "What?"

"I think we need a vacation"

"I know."

"Good so we're leaving tmr."

"Wha- I didn't even pack"

"You don't need to."

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