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"You look beautiful." I heard. I turned and Alisa was standing in my dressing room.

"Thank you baby. I like it I really do." I've been trying on wedding dresses all day.

Shoota took Legend & Sage to the disney store in the mall. So that left just me and Alisa. Alisa's been very clingy to me lately. Everyone noticed it. She even called me her mom the other day but I didn't say anything.

"I think this is the one." She said with the curtain pulled a little bit.

"me too."


One week later


The wedding is this next week. Jaymo and I flew back to Detroit just to find our outfits. Well he wanted to get them imported but they would've took so much longer to get to us.

the first person i called when we landed was Lovely.
Our wedding is combined. The four of us are getting married at the same time. so i've been keeping up with her and how she's feeling.


(lovely) hello?
(ahjee) hey babe, how you feelin?
(lovely) for now i'm good. i'm just nervous a little.
(ahjee) nervous? why?
(lovely) idk i love kendrick, i really do, & i just want everything to be perfect.
(ahjee) i know girl. i know how you feel. i dwelled on it for a while too. my best advice is to not get so overwhelmed by it because it's going to turn into a stressor.
(lovely) i'm so past that state. i've been up for the past couple of nights just looking over everything.
(ahjee) i get it babe. but you need to relax. we get married in less than 14 days.
(lovey) & im so excited. i just really hope im making the right choice. i love kendrick & i trust him but i don't have a good representation of marriages zani. they never worked out. and i don't wanna lose my first love, my bestfriend, and the father of my kids all in one.
(ahjee) babe, you're not going to lose him. i can promise you that. maybe you should talk to him. have a sit down and tell him how you feel.
(lovely) i don't want him to take it the wrong way.
(ahjee) how will he?
(lovely) he's going to think I don't want to marry him. I do. Seeing myself in that wedding dress was the greatest feeling i've felt since having my babies. and instantly i thought about him watching me walk down the aisle.
(ahjee) he's not gonna think that lovely. kendrick is a little annoying but for the most part he's understanding. try talking to him. he probably already knows you've been stressing yourself out he pays attention to everything.
(lovely) alright. i'll talk to him.
(legend in the background) mommy can i have some noddles with hotsauce plz?
(ahjee) legend? my nigga😭
(lovely) i'll call you later girl lemme feed my baby.
(ahjee) alright, i love you girl and make sure you talk to him.
(lovely) i love you too and i will i promise.
(ahjee) okay bye
(lovely) bye
*end of phone conversation*

"who was it?" jaymo asked walking up to me.

"just lovely. little last minute wedding talk."

"i can't believe i get to spend the rest of my life with you." he hugged me lightly.

"you so cornyyyyy moveeee."



"how much do you want?" i asked him.


i looked him dead in his face and laughed.

"okay baby. just tell me when to stop." i tipped the hotsauce in the bowl of noddles as he stirred it.

"okay mommy. can i have some cran strawberry?"

"yea i'll pour you a cup." as i walked to the kitchen kendrick pulled into the driveway. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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