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"shit. i said wiping the powder from my nose.

"kayla wtf are you doin? dione said walking in my room.

"boy what do you want.

"i want you to stop sniffing powder and shit like it's coo. i rolled my eyes. "now if i tell ya brother then what?

"why you always speaking bout my brother like you want him. you gay?

"kayla keep fuckin playin wit me. he said gettin in my face.

"boy please if you wanted to do something you would have." he slapped the shit outta me. it shocked me cuz as long as we've been together he's never put his hands on me.

i got up and chased him out the house. he got in his car and drove away before i could catch.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT! i yelled. i was out of breath from running down the stairs.

i looked over and i saw esperanza walking her dog milo wit jabron. they walked right pass me like they don't know who i am.

"hello? hey essie hey jb. she turned and looked at me. "ya actin like ya don't know me.

"we don't like you." jabron said to me.

"i just want to talk for a minute

"jb, walk milo just around this circle okay? she said showing him and he did. she walked up to me and crossed her arms.


"how's my little sister? i saw ahjee come pick you up the other day and she was in the car."

"why do u care?

"cuz she's my little sister.

"she wasnt your little sister when you was fuckin all them niggas wit her in the room how was she?"

how does she know that.

"i didn't stop you to argue.

"well i did. what don't you get kayla we don't like you. i don't like you, jb doesn't like you and milo prolly dreams about bitin yo ass whenever he gets the chance. shit alisa doesn't even like you.

"you can't speak for my sister.

"i'm speaking as a witness. i was more of a big sister to alisa these last couple of weeks then you've ever been her whole life. cut the innocent big sister act cuz your not fooling anyone but yourself. you can't call yourself a big sister if all you fuckin do is manipulate and downgrade the one person that looked up to you. you fucked her up and took advantage of her when she needed you most. now i'm here to pick up the pieces you broke and you just wanna act like shits cool? nothings cool.

"you thought you ate that? you think you can play captain save a hoe? matter fact you can go back home wit ya crack head ass mommy and her pedophile ass boyfriend he still touchin on you?

before i could speak again i felt a hit to the face. i fell back on the concrete and hit my head.

"listen bitch. i'm not the one of the fuckin two. i'm last bitch you approach you here me? i'm not little essie anymore i will fuck you up. believe it."


i turned and watched as JB circled back to me with milo on his leash. "what happened?

"she fell down. i said looking at kayla on the ground. "let's go get you some ice cream. i added, picking him up.


I feel like lovely's been pregnant forever. and her mood swings get worse. it feel like she hate a nigga.

"baby i-

"damn bro whattttt. she said turning to me on the bed.

"i wz gonna ask you to have me the lotion damn. i said.

"mmcht. she passed it over her shoulder and continued to brush out legends curls.

his hair grew so much. it's up to his shoulders and curly asl.

"go get ur cars. lovely said putting him on the ground. he ran out in a hurry. lil nigga a feein for some hot wheels.

"come here. i said as she got up. she walked to me and i held her. "how you feelin?

"pregnant. you jus had to nut bro?

i laughed and kissed her cheek. "i told you i wanted another one.

me and lovely grew together and the more i'm around her the more i change as a person. i really love her and will do anything to see her at her happiest.

i was just holding her and swaying back and forth . it was moments like this i wanted to last

"i want a girl. she said.

"you jus wanna double team me.

"ya be double teamin me all the time. i laughed cuz she was right.

"let's go. i said grabbing the keys.

"mommy go. legend said holding his cars.

"yea let's find out if you gon have a sister or brother.

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