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I was a liar, I gave in to the fire
I know I should've fought it
At least I'm being honest
Feel like a failure
'cause I know that I failed you
I should've done you better
'cause you don't want a liar

Kasut tumit tinggi 6 inci itu mula berjalan di tengah dan membuatkan semua mata tertumpu padanya.

And I know, and I know, and I know
she gives you everything
But boy, I couldn't give it to you
And I know, and I know, and I know
that you got everything
But I got nothing here without you

Mata Victoria melihat sekeliling cuba mencari susuk tubuh seseorang yang dinanti. Kelihatan satu figura sedang berpeluk tubuh di barisan paling hadapan para penonton bersama hoodie yang menutup hampir seluruh jejaka itu.

So one last time
I need to be the one
who takes you home
One more time
I promise after that
I'll let you go
Baby, I don't care if you got her
In your heart
All I really care is
you wake up in my arms
One last time
I need to be the one
who takes you home.

Victoria mula turun dan berjalan ke barisan hadapan penonton.

Yeah, I know I should've fought it
At least I'm being honest, yeah
But stay with me a minute
I swear I'll make it worth it, yeah
'Cause I don't wanna be without you

Kepala hoodie lelaki di hadapannya ditolak menampakkan seluruh wajah Skyler. Kedengaran suara riuh para penonton kerana terkejut dengan kehadiran Ace Skyler disitu.

[MEDIA : 2:34]

So one last time
I need to be,
The one..
Who takes you home.

Sunyi. Seluruh stadium menjadi sepi mendengar suara Victoria yang melontarkan nada tinggi sehingga membuatkan bulu roma para penonton meremang.

Baby, I don't care if you got her
In your heart
All I really care is
you wake up in my arms
One last time
I need to be the one
who takes you home.

"So one.. Last time.." Victoria memberi mikrofon kepada salah seorang bodyguard ditepinya.

"I need to be.." perlahan lahan kaki Victoria melangkah dekat ke arah Skyler.

"The one.."

Semakin dekat

"Who takes.."

Leher Skyler dipaut.

"You home~."

Bibir mereka bertaut.

Serentak itu bunyi sorakan mula bergema dan percikan bunga api mula terlontar di udara.

Dan kini, khabar itu benar. Tiada lagi hubungan yang disorokkan.

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