Chapter 13: Izu's Birthday part 1

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For the past month, Y/n and Izuku have been hanging out after school almost everyday, trying their best to keep their feelings for each other a secret. The teens would often find themselves becoming flustered easily, but also getting closer and having more personal conversations. Besides having raging crushes, they have grown to become more comfortable with each other.

It's the first week of July and Izuku is at Y/n's house again. He's been brainstorming ways he could ask her out, but he keeps drawing a blank. As he scribbles in his notebook, he bites his lip, feeling a bit stressed out. He sat at Y/n's desk, keeping the book held up to shield her view of his notes. On the other hand, Y/n was laying on her stomach in bed, scrolling through instagram. She's been trying to be in denial about her crush for Izu, but she kept proving herself wrong every time she saw his smile, heard his laugh, or even made eye contact with him.

As Y/n swipes past another meme she's seen five years ago, she comes across a zodiac sign post. The title: Which Zodiacs are the Most to Least Affectionate. She saw Cancer, Leo, Libra, and Pisces at the top. This sparked a question in her head.

"Izu?" she asks, looking up from her screen, seeing him frantically write something down in his book.

After a few seconds of waiting, he finally closes his book and looks up at his friend.

"What's your zodiac sign?"

"Cancer." he replies quickly, opening up his book again. "What's yours?"

"(Your Zodiac sign). But we got like one more week of the cancer season. When's your birthday?" Y/n raises an eyebrow.

"July 15th. Why?" He has a confused expression written on his face.

Y/n gasps, sitting up and frantically opening her phone's calendar to see which exact day it is. She fake glares up at the greenette.

"That's literally next week! When were you gonna tell your best friend that your birthday was in exactly 7 days?!" she begins rambling and freaking out, opening another note page in her phone to make a list. "I need to get you presents and schedule a whole day for us and-" she pauses, looking up at the ceiling before looking back over at him. "What do you even like? Besides All Might and Katsudon, I'm a terrible friend. Oh geez I need to see how much money I have..." she groans, rubbing her face with her hands and looking down at her phone in her lap.

"Shhhh, it's okay, don't freak out N/n." Izuku soothes, quietly walking over and sitting next to Y/n on her bed. "I guess it just slipped my mind that my birthday was this soon, plus I've never worried about telling people when it was." he places a gentle hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at him.

"Why?" Y/n asks.

"I stopped having birthday parties when I was like... 6 years old." Y/n's eyes widened, and realization finally set in. "People would stop showing up or I would run out of people to ask so... I just had dinner and cake with my mom." he shrugged looking down at his lap, feeling a little embarrassed.

Holidays never went well with him being the weird kid. He was always lonely and neglected, making him feel like an actual piece of shit. Y/n's heart ached as she imagined how he must have felt, waiting all day on his birthday, just for no one to show up. The fact that he's desensitized to it makes her frustrated. She can't fathom how he dealt with this most of his life.

She places her hand on his, rubbing it warmly with her thumb. She looks into his sparkling emerald eyes with determination.

"It's gonna be different from now on." she smiles, causing Izuku to smile and his cheeks to turn a tint of pink. "because I'm your ride or die. Got it?" She gives his hand a light squeeze.

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