Chapter 16: The Finale

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*the day before school starts again*

Y/n hears her phone buzzing next to her in bed. She takes her attention off of picking out her sim's outfit and grabs the device. She reads the notification and lifts an eyebrow.

Text message sent from:
(Cousin's name)🙌🤙

Huh? I haven't heard from them in a while... we used to be so close since their father, my uncle/father's brother, was a dead beat just like mine. However, it's been about two years since they hit me up.

She thought as she opened the message, scanning the words.

(Cousin's name)
Hey cuz! I know it's been a while, but my dad told me that urs just got out of jail. I think you should hit him up.

Y/n's father has been absent her whole life. He would occasionally give her false hope, 'promising' he would show up to a concert or her birthday parties. However, he'd never show. Recently, he was sent to jail for an unknown reason, and apparently he's finally out.

Before she could respond, her cousin sends her father's number. She contemplates on calling him, wondering what good it would do. However, she wants some closure, so she dials his number anyway.

Y/n listened to the ringing on the other line, almost coming to an end, he finally picks up.

"Hello?" He asks.

"H-hey dad... it's Y/n."

"Oh! Y/n! How are you?" He questions, giving a fake enthusiastic tone.

"Uh, I'm good. Just been going to school and hanging out with friends." She replies, starting to feel awkward.

"Good, good. Gotta get them good grades so you don't end up like your mom hahahaha." Her father smartly jokes, starting to get on Y/n's nerves.

Sure, her mom doesn't spend much time with her, but that's still her mom and the parent that stuck with her.

"Yeah I have good grades... so um, why did you even go to jail?"

"Ehhhh, that's not important, just a misunderstanding. But hey! I should pick you up sometime so we can hang out." He offers.

"Maybe... you just always say you're gonna see me, but then it never happens." Y/n counters.

Quickly, the atmosphere changes and her father takes a long pause.

"So am I the bad guy, is that what this is about? You called to point the finger at me? I'm sorry. But you need to be mad at your mom."

"My mom? Why would I blame her for anything?" Y/n questions, gripping her phone tighter.

"She would never let me see you and would take you away early when I had you when you were still a baby. She doesn't want us to have a relationship. But you know that you can just text me and I'll pick you up."

"That's crazy! Up until a few years ago she would make me give you calls and invite you to things. She would make me draw you pictures for your birthday and fantasize over us being a family. So don't you dare lie to me and say that she kept me from you! You are the only reason why I'm done trying to have a relationship with you!" Y/n snaps, beginning to pace the room.

"I would try and have you interact with your little siblings, but she kept saying no after that one time." He tries to argue back.

"No, I said no, because I saw that you had a stronger relationship with my little sister more than you had with me, when I am your first kid."

"Well probably because she doesn't judge me and ask too much of me!" He yells back.

"You are literally a pathological liar! You lie about my mom! You lie about why you can't see me! Hell, you even lied about your name! You may be my father, but you're not my dad. Forget you!" She angrily hangs up, sitting down on her bed with tears in her eyes.

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