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I walk onto platform 9 3/4 with my Mother and Father by my side. I can still feel the same rush and excitement I did in my first year.

 I smile as I sink into the nostalgic feeling, except this year feels different. I think we can all feel it; the uneasy feeling that everything is going to change. 

"Here sweetheart, give me your trolley and I'll take your luggage to get put on the train," My father offered, walking away to the Hogwarts Express.

"The Michaels," A voice called from behind us.

I turn to see Draco and Narcissa standing together.

 "Eloise. Merlin, you get more beautiful each day. Just stop growing up already!" Narcissa smiled, hugging my Mother and I. 

I hug Draco relieved to be with one of my best friends again.

 "I've been missing you Ellie," He muttered

"I've missed you too Malfoy". 

He seemed different. We didn't get to see him much this summer.

 He was distant, specifically towards the end and suddenly stopped writing. I chose to leave it instead of bugging him to talk to me because we all know what Draco can get like. When he's going through something, he usually becomes destructive. Saying the things he knows will hurt you the most. 

He's never been good at expressing his feelings and usually closes off when things get hard but I can't help but still love the prick at the end of the day- no matter how much he may test our friendship at times, he's a good person and friend underneath all his troubles.

My father walks back over to us wrapping his arm around my Mother's waist and placing a kiss on her cheek. "Hello Malfoy's. Nice to see you all again," He grinned.

I envied the love my parents have. 

They have been together since their 6th year at Hogwarts but are still so in love. They still look at each other the same way they did in the old photos I found of them. 

They make me believe that there's really someone out there for everyone.

Our parents talk  amongst themselves as I lose focus while looking around for any familiar faces.

 "Draco, where's Lorenzo. Shouldn't he have come here with you?" I asked, before feeling a pair of arms grab me from behind, quickly picking me up.

 I turn around to see him, Lorenzo Berkshire.

I felt my heart race as we made eye contact.

This boy only gets more attractive every new year. His brunette hair with small curls, his hazel eyes that are so bright, his chiselled jawline and perfect bone structure. 

And his smile.

When Enzo smiles, everyone else does.

"Oise, long time no see darling," He smiled.

"Could say the same for you," I wrap my arms around his waist, finding comfort in his strong arms.

"Mr and Mrs Michaels," Lorenzo said, putting his hand out for my parents to shake.

"Oh please, Lorenzo. How many times do we have to tell you? You can just call us Charlotte and Orlando. You've known us for years," My mother laughed, pulling him in for a hug. 

It makes me happy to see how much my parents like Enzo. Everyone seems to. He just has that affect on people that make them instantly love them.

"We really should get going before all the compartments are full," Draco suggested. 

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