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"I swear this girl could sleep through a war," Onyx joked, trying to wake Lucille up.

"She's always been good at sleeping, ever since first year," I laughed.

"Oh shit. Remember when you and I thought she was dead because she wouldn't wake up and we were all late to our first day of classes," Onyx chuckled.

It made me sad to think back to how innocent we all were then. Our lives were just starting.

"Detention on our first week was not fun. Then again, I'm glad it happened. It made us become close so quickly. This is cheesy but you guys really are the sisters I never had".

"Aw Ellie. You're gonna make me cry. Don't fucking make me cry," She giggled. "Ugh this girl. Could you wake up, Lucille?" She starts vigorously shaking her.

Her eyes finally flutter open and sits up. "What?!" She snapped. Feisty when tired. 

"They're having a brunch special at The Three Broomsticks, do you want to tag along? We're already dressed to go" Onyx points to me.

"Okay. Anyone else going?" Lucille yawned.

"Blaise and Lorenzo said he's coming if Ellie is," Onyx said, mocking his accent.

Lucille bursted into a fit of laugher "Shit. That voice was so accurate. Let's make him pay for the whole thing," She joked.

"Oh I'll make him  pay for the whole thing," Onyx jeered, bending over to fix her shoelace. "You in Ellie?"

"He's already going to pay for everyone anyways so might as well let him," I shrugged.

Everyone in our group knows how rich Lorenzo is. Like he's super fucking loaded.

"Fuck's sake, get changed Luce," I laughed, pulling her out of bed.

"Okay. Okay".

"You're going to get such an expensive engagement ring from that wealthy lank one day," Onyx added.

Lucille changes quickly and we all head out of the room. 

"Bloody hell, why does it always have to be so fucking cold," Lucille complained, holding her arms together.

"6 years and you're still not used to it," Onyx commented, "Also, is Draco alright? It's like, the moment he came back he hasn't said hi to us or anything."

"I.. don't know. Guess he's just really busy?" Lucille bluffed.

"That could be it," Onyx said, "But you guys are okay, right?"

"I'd like to think so," Lucille responded, "Draco just has his....moments."

"No doubt about that," She chuckled.

"He's got so much love for you though. I can see it when he looks at you," I try to distract Lucille so she doesn't overthink it but I wasn't lying, he looks at her with so much admiration.

"Really?" Her face brightens up almost instantly. I nod in response and her grin grows wider. I was happy to see her smiling big again.

We walk into the common room and find Lorenzo and Blaise fooling around like idiots.

Lorenzo makes eye contact and walks over, kissing me passionately. I was surprised at this sudden act but I sink into it.

"Can it not wait?" Blaise joked. I quickly pull away slightly embarrassed that I forgot people were around us.

When Lorenzo looks at Lucille, his smiles seems to drop. I guess this morning was still bothering him, understandably but we had to act normal for Lucille.

endlessly; lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now