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I open my eyes to find Lorenzo already staring me with a small smile on his face.

"You good?" I muttered, adjusting to the light.

"I'm great," He smirked. "I just happy about last night. Feels like we've been deprived of it lately".

"What are we doing today?" I questioned, sitting up.

"I haven't really thought about it," He sighed. "I'm going to go shower. Wanna join me?"

"Sure," He pulls the covers off our bodies and grabs my hand, leading me to the bathroom.

I turn the water on and remove my clothes, Lorenzo doing the same.

We step in together, soaking into the warmth. He puts his finger under my chin, raising my head to face him. His soft, plump lips move down to mine, kissing them with so much love. 

He pulls away and looks at the locket he had bought for me at Christmas. He opens it and examines the photos I charmed to fit into the 2 pieces. "I'm in here?" He smiled.

"Of course love".

I bend over, grabbing the shampoo. "Turn around," I said, squeezing the shampoo into my hand.

"Okay," He smiled, facing the wall behind us. I stand on my tip-toes as I massage the coconut scented gel into his hair, making his small curls become covered in foam.

"That feels good," He chuckled. I put his head under the water, rinsing away the suds. 

"My turn now," He smirked. I turn away from him and feel his strong hands, massage through my roots.

This is so relaxing.

I feel calm as he pushes his fingers through my hair, releasing the tension in me.

He guides my head underneath the water and rinses away the bubbles.

We both giggle and quickly finish conditioning our own hair and getting out of the shower.

We change quickly into a new set of pyjamas. It was cold in this house and we have nowhere to be anyways.

I wear grey sweatpants and a hoodie of Lorenzo's I stole and he wears blue flannel pyjama pants that hung loosely, just below his v-line.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, "Should we go make a cup of tea while we wait for everyone to wake up?"

"Sounds perfect," He added. "Shame your only wearing a bra underneath that jumper. I'm going to need it back later," He smirked.

"Berkshire, you should know what  happens when you give a girl your hoodie. You're never getting this back," I laughed and walked out the room, grabbing his hand.

We walk into the kitchen and he releases my hand, "Take a seat darling. I'll make them".

I move over to the kitchen island, sitting on one of the tall stools. I watch as Enzo makes the teas with so much focus. It was sweet.

"You're both up early," Lucille said, interrupting the silence.

"Well I'd say the same thing," Lorenzo responded. "You alright?"

"I feel splendid," She said sarcastically, moving over to the coffee maker.

Lorenzo walks over to her, grabbing her wrist. "Go sit with Oise. I'll make it," He offered, well more demanded.

"I can make my-"

"Just come sit Luce," I smiled, patting the seat next to me.

"Here's your tea love," Lorenzo spoke softly, sliding the cup towards me.

endlessly; lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now