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Draco didn't get back till late. We all stayed up waiting for him, he had spent the whole afternoon at the ministry. Pansy and Lucius were officially in holding.

Lorenzo is still peacefully sleeping next to me. Judging by his eyebags yesterday. I assumed his sleep hadn't been great these past few days.

I peck his forehead and laugh as he smiles in his sleep. I slowly remove myself from his grasp and tip-toe out of our room. I want to see Onny.

It's just completely insane to me that she's been alive this whole time.

I should kill Lucius with my bare hands.

I quietly knock on Blaise's door, careful to not wake anyone else.

He opens the door gently. "Morning, come in" He whispered.

I look at Onyx who was fast asleep, bundled in the sheets.

"How is she?" I spoke quietly, sliding under the covers next to her.

"Exhausted. Fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow," He replied.

"It's good to have her back," I whispered.

"I'm happy she's back too. Also, while I have you almost alone. Are you back with Lorenzo? I love him but you deserve better than that-"

"It's fine," I interrupted. "He technically didn't do it. It's a lot to explain but we can talk about it another time.

"As long as you're happy," Blaise responded.

"Yeah. I am right now," I smiled, brushing my hand over Onyx's cheek.

A knocks emits from the door, "So many visitors," Blaise groaned, getting up to answer.

"Come in Lucille," He whispered.

She walked in and slid into the empty spot next to me, wrapping her arm around my waist.

"How'd she sleep last night?" Lucille questioned.

"She knocked out as soon as her body touched the bed," I responded, while Blaise carefully returned to the opposite side of Onyx.

The door suddenly gets busted open, "Cuddling Onny without me?" Lorenzo dramatically gasped, jumping on the edge of the bed and crawling up to me.

"Enzo, don't jump, jeez," Blaise snarls. "Onny is sleeping".

"Sorry," He whispered. "How'd she sleep?"

"Knocked out as soon as her body hit the bed," Lucille responded.

"Ah, that's good," Lorenzo spoke softly. "Why didn't you wake me?" He whispered to me.

"You looked peaceful. I didn't wanna disturb you," I replied.

"You would never disturb me Eloise Michaels," He smiled.

I chuckled at the cheesiness, blowing a kiss at him which he dramatically catches and slaps against his cheek.

The door opened once again, this time being Draco.

"So you left me alone?" Draco whispered, walking towards Lucille.

"Didn't want to wake you," She replied.

"It's alright," He said. "How'd she sleep?"

"Knocked out as soon as she laid down," Lorenzo blurted.

"I'm glad," Draco responded, laying next to Lucille.

"So where'd you find her Draco?" Blaise asked, tucking a piece of Onyx's hair behind her ear.

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