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I lay in my bed, just staring at the wall. I don't know how I'm supposed to tell Lorenzo I want a break. I love him but I need this. 

I don't want to feel insecure.

A knock emits from the door, "You want me to get it don't you?" Onyx assumed.

I closed my eyes, pretending to sleep. I didn't care for whoever was at the door.

I hear Lucille pounce out of bed, "I'm so sorry Enzo," She cooed.

So Enzo was at the door. Great.

"Ah, don't worry about it. It's Malfoy. I'll talk to him later," He chuckled. "Is Oise awake?"

"No, she's asleep," Onyx answered.

"Are you in pain?" Lucille questioned Lorenzo.

"No, I'm a man of steel," He joked.

"Again, I'm sorry, Lorenzo. I don't know why he's-."

"Lucille, I said don't worry about it. I know Draco- He's very impulsive. And it's my fault- He did tell me to stop kissing your forehead," He responded, "Which I will stop doing. I'm just glad I still look stunning."

"I'm glad you're okay," Lucille spoke.


"I'm glad, too. Luckily my beautiful girlfriend helped fix my wounds," I announced.

Onyx visibly became uncomfortable, looking over to Eloise's bed.

What was that?

"You should talk to Draco," I suggest to Lucille.

"About?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

I groan "Lucille! You're fucking bipolar! Tell him how you feel, for fuck's sake. Communicate, it's not that difficult".

"Oh, not that difficult? We're talking about Draco Lucius Malfoy here!"

"So what! Luce-. Lucille. If you love this man you're going to do what it takes. It should always be 50/50 BUT clearly Draco can't provide his other half right now. He fucking needs you, Lucille." I  sternly stated.

She finally shut up, just nodding.

"You're right," She responded lowly.

"I'm gonna go back but I'll come back later when Oise is awake," I smiled, turning away and shutting the door behind me.

"How am I supposed to tell him?" A muffled voice said. It was Eloise.

"You're just going to have to find time to talk to him," Onyx responded.

"Wait what's happening?" Lucille added.

I'm wondering the same Lucille.

I walk away before I hear anymore. I shouldn't be eavesdropping.


"I'm gonna tell Lorenzo I just need space for a little bit. Like a break," I muttered.

"What? Why? Shit Ellie. I'm so sorry if this has anything to do me and the forehead kiss. I promise nothing is going on," Lucille exclaimed.

"I know nothing is. I trust you both, it's just hard to explain.."

To be honest, I could easily explain it. Lucille just isn't really the person I want to explain it to. I didn't want her to feel like she was stuck in the middle. She wasn't and I didn't want her to stress. 

endlessly; lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now