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Onyx's mood had quickly changed from sadness to anger this morning. She had woken barely talking to anyone as she got ready, hitting everything she could.

I watch as she slams down everything she picks up. 

She is not someone I would want to be mad at me. 

Lucille and I quickly leave our dorm following behind her as she basically ran out of the common room. 

Lucille gives me a confused look, "What's with her?"

"I'm sure she'll tell you herself shortly," I responded.

"Walk faster! I am not talking to Blaise!" Onyx snapped as we made our way to charms.

"You still haven't told me what happened," Lucille responded.

"Stupid fucking Lorenzo dared Pansy to kiss Blaise last night at the tower, and HE AGREED!" She bickered

"Yeah stupid fucking Lorenzo," I said.

"What?! You're kidding," Lucille says in shock.

"Oh I am CERTAINLY NOT. And you know what? Have it his way! That way I won't have to drink any more bloody vials for him," Onyx huffed.

We walk into charms to find Lorenzo and Blaise already sitting together.

"Good morning," Lucille beamed, smiling at Lorenzo and Blaise. Onyx and I just ignore them taking our seats.

"Morning, beautiful," Lorenzo chimed. I clench my jaw, he really does need every girl he knows to fall at his feet.

"How was last night? Did you guys finish the muggle thingy?" Lucille queried in attempt to rid the tension.

"No, but I gave the rest to Malfoy," He responded, pulling out his textbook.

I couldn't stop rolling my eyes every time he spoke. He was irritating me so bad. I was just mad I was right. Onyx said he was too nice to just see me as a way to help out his horny self but I guess we were both wrong. I wasn't going to give this up anytime soon.

"Good morning, class," Flitwick announced. "I will fortunately be assigning a group project. You may choose your groups, or you may work alone," Onyx let out a groan in response to the group project. I chuckled quietly.

"I want you all to do research on a maximum of 4 charms. I expect one parchment full of information and research for each charm. I want it done by next week, as well," He instructed.

The whole classroom fills with the sounds of everyone's complaints and groans.

"Enough of the whining! You all are year 6's! I want you all to finish the school year with Outstandings! Alright, my young wizards and witches. Turn to pages 279 to 282".

"Do you all want to group together?" Lucille asked quietly.

Lorenzo looked around the table stopping on me for a few seconds before I look away, "I'm gonna assume that's a yes!" He blurted.

"I think Blaise wants to work with pug-faced Pansy," Onyx muttered. Here we go.

"Now, you know that's not true-"

"Oh? It's not?" Onyx snapped back.

"It's not!" He argued.

"Bullshit, Blaise! You'll always be a fucking manwhore," Onyx slammed her textbook on the table and Blaise scoffed.

I put my hand over my mouth to not laugh. I felt bad for Onyx when she lets out on someone she really lets them have it.

"Well, then it's settled. We meet each other after dinner back at my dorm up until the assignment is due," Lucille concluded. 

endlessly; lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now