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I walk down the hallway along side Lucille and Onyx who hadn't stopped ranting the whole morning.

 "Like, how could Blaise just leave me with a blanket?! Not a shirt of his. No, but a blanket! Was the sex not great? You know, he always gets on my damn nerves," Onyx shouted.

"Y'know, Onyx. It wouldn't hurt if you just made things official with him," Lucille recommended.

"Please do for the sake of everyone," I joked.

They argue with each other like an old married couple. I find it sweet. Annoying too but sweet. 

"How aren't you dying this morning? You look like you only drank water last night," Lucille complained.

"I mean, I stopped drinking much earlier than everyone and I just went back to our dorm after the fight," I reply. 

"Oh yeah Luce, is Enzo a good kisser?" Onyx questions.

"How would I know? Wait what fight?" Lucille answered.

Onyx and I both look at each other and back at Lucille as we take our seats. 

"Why... are you both looking at me like that?" Lucille whispered.

 "Shit, you really were out of it last night," I chuckled, looking at her confused face.

"You don't remember, don't you?!" Onyx gasped, hand over her mouth.

"Backtrack for me? I have no idea what you're talking about," Lucille responded quietly.

She smiles back at me before facing Lucille again, "You kissed..." She whispered, as she started pointing to someone heading our way.

"Does your head hurt?" Lorenzo interrupted, "Because mine sure does".

 He looks at me and gives a small smile. I thought he'd be mad at me for making everything worse. I knew I shouldn't be but I couldn't help myself be a little mad at him. The whole fight was immature but of me too. 

"No fucking way!" Lucille whisper-shouts.

 "What happened?" Lorenzo takes a seat across us.

"Do you remember us kissing?" She nonchalantly questions. 

"Of course I do," He responded. "Your little boyfriend and I had a small fight after about it". I feel his eyes burning through me as he speaks. 

"Fight? Who punched you and who's my boyfriend?" Lucille asks.

"He and Blaise have just arrived," Lorenzo looks behind us as they enter the classroom.

"Why in the hell would he punch you? Did you say something to him?" She whispered before they reached our table. "And why would you call him my fucking boyfriend!"

"Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Lorenzo throw the first punch ?" Onyx adds smirking. 

"You did? Why?" Lucille raises an eyebrow. 

"Yeah why Enzo? Or should we ask Eloise?" Onny adds holding in her laughter.

"Drop it, they're coming," I whispered.

I put my head down on the desk as Blaise and Draco walk towards our table. "Morning," Blaise announces, glancing at all of us. We all say morning back weakly in unison. Draco just keeps quiet.

An awkward silence lingers across the table. I'm trying not to look at Lorenzo and Draco which is proving to be pretty fucking hard as they're both sitting so close-by.

endlessly; lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now