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"Blaise," Lorenzo spoke, "How about you, Draco and I head out tomorrow? How does that sound?"

Blaise huffed. "Where we going?"

"I haven't-. I haven't actually thought this through," Lorenzo stammered.

Draco scoffed. "Of course you haven't," He seethed, "How about we catch a drink at The Three Broomsticks?"

"That was Onyx's favourite pub," Blaise responded flatly.

"O...kay well how about a stroll down Hogsmeade in general?" Lorenzo suggested.

"Onyx and I used to do that-."

"You could go buys some nice flowers and plants and when you get back, we can all make a special spot for Onyx in the backyard. That sounds like something Onny would like," I interrupted.

"I think that's a great idea," Lucille beamed.

"Okay, so flower garden it is," Lorenzo stated, "How does that sound, Zabini?"

Blaise cracked a smile, "She'd love that."

We stayed up late, all talking about out favourite memories of Onyx. It seemed to help Blaise but really it was helping me too. 

"I think I have an indent in the back of my head from Onyx whacking me every time I acted like an idiot," Lorenzo laughed.

Blaise chuckled, "I think I have one too but I'm okay with it. I found it funny when she'd whack me. She never put up with anyone's shit. Everyone needs someone like Onyx in their life".

"Onyx was special, wasn't she," I added.

Everyone laughed together thinking of the girl. How strong she was, how she made everyone laugh.


I wake up in Lorenzo and I's bed, hearing him tip-toe around the room.

"What are you doing?" I muttered, stretching my arms as I sat up.

"Oh sorry love, I didn't mean to wake you. Blaise, Draco and I decided to head out early," He came over to me, pecking my lips with a grin.

I held my breath. I've always been scared of me having bad breath. I don't know why.

"Have fun and just take care of Blaise," I commented.

"See you later," He kissed my cheek again and again, making me go into a fit of laughter.

"Go," I said through my laughs. He walked out the door and I was left alone.

What was I supposed to do today?

I walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower.

As I stepped in, I let the warm water run all over my body. I was quick and got changed fast, doing my usual morning routine.

I walk downstairs and find Narcissa, standing in the kitchen with a cup of tea.

"Morning Eloise. Are you hungry?" She asked.

"No, I'm all good. What are you up to?" I questioned, leaning against the counter next to her.

"Just enjoying the peace with a cup of tea. Would you like me to make you one?"

I nodded and she filled the kettle with water, placing it over the stove.

"How are you? I'm so sorry for you all, about Onyx," She muttered.

endlessly; lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now