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smut warning


I watch as Eloise peacefully sleeps next to me. I can't help but just feel so lucky right now. How did I get an amazing girl like her in my life?

I am deep and utterly in love with her. 

I love her smile, her laugh, her kindness. How do you make me feel like this Eloise?

"Creep," She mutters, slowly opening her eyes. 

I chuckle, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, "Who would had thought that the girl I met on the train 5 years ago would be in my bed with me now?"

Her cheeks tint to a soft pink  "It's so weird to think about how everything has changed. If I could tell my younger self or the crazy shit that's happened this year. She would think I'm crazy".

I lean in to kiss her before she slaps her hand over my mouth, "We are going to brush our teeth before we get into that. Sorry love".

"You're such a tease aren't you?" I mumble through her hand.

I lift the covers off us, pulling her along with me to the bathroom. We stand in front of the mirror brushing our teeth, every so often looking at each other. The tension builds between us. I try and brush as fast as possible so I could finally kiss her. Her soft, plump lips alone drove me crazy.

I spit and put my head under the tap to rinse out my mouth, as she does the same in her own sink. She wipes her mouth on a towel, smirking as she finally places it back on the counter.

I slowly move towards her, "Can I finally kiss you now?"

"I mean I gue-" I crash my lips against hers before she can finish speaking. She wraps her arms around my neck, moving backwards to the sink. I lift her up, placing her onto the counter and dive onto her neck, trailing kisses against her as she faintly moans.

I take off my shirt and she does the same. I look at her figure, admiring her for a short moment before she pulled me back to her lips. How did I deserve a girl as beautiful as her?

I slowly pull down her pants and spread her legs apart. "Can I take these off?" I ask, signalling to her lace underwear. She nods and I pull them down and throw them on the floor.

I spread her legs apart, placing wet kisses on her inner thighs. I breathe against her pussy as she softly whimpers, becoming restless. "Do you want me to do this Eloise?

"Yes Enzo. Please." She whimpered


He slowly licks a long stride up my pussy. I internally melt at his touch. He soon finds my clit "Fuck yes Lorenzo. Right there" I moaned.

His tongue twirled as he slid his finger between my two lips, only making the pleasure more intense. 

I felt my insides churn as he sucked harder on my clit and I moaned too loud. Fuck. He knows how to use his tongue.

His mouth moved around uncontrollably. He adds another finger; thrusting it out of me continuously. 

My whole body was soaring with pleasure. "Enzo. You're fucking amazing"

I feel him smile for a short moment before paying his attention back to my clit. He sucked and glided on it . I felt myself nearing my finish.

"Fuck Enzo" I moaned softly, "I'm gonna cum".

He abruptly pulls away, making me exhale sharply. "Fuck. Why'd you stop?" I groaned in frustration.

"Because I don't want you to cum just yet darling," He pulls down his sweatpants just enough for his dick to jolt out. He rubs his dick against my clit, making my whole body shudder.

endlessly; lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now