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We all enter the potions classroom together taking a seat close to the front of the class.

"Ugh, fucking Gryffindors," Blaise mutters, in which made Draco chuckle.

 I look at Lucille who goes quiet. She was good friends with them when we started at Hogwarts. I've always liked Hermione and her friends, not that Draco would ever understand.

I grab Lucille's hand smiling at her which she returns. The class's chatter suddenly stops as Snape enters the classroom.

 "Majority of you all are year sixes. I should not find myself repeating my words ever, but if I am ever put in that situation then I assume you do not belong in this class..." Snape numbly announces, creating an unsettling feeling in the room. "You all know what my expectations are. But if you don't, then I pity you. Ask the peers around you. I'm sure they know".

"I hope most of you remember the Amortentia potion, and if you haven't, then turn to pages 359 and 361. Read all about it. I'll be passing potion samples around the room. I advise that you do not ingest it, do not touch the bare potion, and most importantly do not create the potion without my permission," Snape snaps.

"This fucking Amortentia bullshit again?" Blaise bickered as Lorenzo chuckled with Draco. They all sat across from us.

"I'd love to know what you smell, Mr. Zabini," Onyx teases, twirling her hair. She flashes a grin and Blaise does the same. "Blegh! Get a room," I fake gag as I watch the two of them while the others laugh.

Snape passes the potion samples around, and when it finally reaches our table, Onyx immediately grabs it.

"Tell me what you smell, Onyx," Lucille asks her. She smiles and takes a whiff of the potion as the we all watch.

"What did you smell?" Blaise jeered with a grin, sort of teasing her.

"We all know she smelled Blaise, can you fucking hurry up with the damn potion?" Draco snapped. Onyx's emotions dropped and scoffed.

"I smelled sweet fruit and the Quidditch field," Onyx enunciated. "Your turn, Ms. Granger".

She gently picks up the potion in the round vial and takes a whiff.

"Blegh. What the hell?" Lucille groans, "Is it the default smell of this potion mint? Oh! Wait, I think I'm getting something. Like umm.. I can't put my bloody finger on it. It's like, some sort of cologne, but there's some mint too. Mint and cologne. Mint and cologne?"

She puts the potion down and shrug. "How odd". 

I raise my eyebrows at her. She could be so daft sometimes. Mint and cologne? Draco Malfoy.

"Mint and cologne, I see. Does that smell familiar to you Enzo," Blaise sarcastically questioned.

"I think so.. It's almost like-. It's almost like I can smell it right now, too?" He and Blaise start sniffing around like idiots before reaching Draco.

"Ding ding ding!" Blaise bantered, shaking Draco with his hands on his shoulders.

"Th-. There's no way?" She was puzzled and in shock.

"The potion doesn't fucking lie, Granger," Draco smirked sinfully, "Does little mudblood Granger fancy me...?".

I kick his leg under the table as soon as I hear the word 'mudblood' leave his mouth.

"What the fuck was that for?!!" Draco winces, rubbing his hand against his shin.

"Watch what you say, Draco," I replied, ignoring his annoyed expression.

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