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I wake up and find the spot beside me still empty. Did Lorenzo never come back ?

I get changed and brush my teeth, doing my hair and light makeup afterwards. 

I walk down the stairs, hearing the sounds of sizzling and quiet chatter.

I find Narcissa, Blaise, Lucius and Lorenzo all the kitchen.

"Oh hey. When did you get back?" I asked Lorenzo.

"This morning. I crashed at the burrow. I had too much to drink," He replied.

"How was it?" I yawned, taking a seat the kitchen island.

"Fine. Nothing special-" He replied quickly.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Um. Ok," I laughed, kissing his cheek.

Draco enters, still looking just as tired as he did yesterday.

"I thought you left," He mumbled to Lorenzo.

"I did, yes but now I'm back. Did you miss me?" Lorenzo jeered.

"No," Draco muttered. I chuckled at his remark, helping Narcissa place the rest of the food onto the table.

"Don't be so moody Draco. It's unbearable," Lucius snarled, as he moved beside Narcissa.

I could barely act normal around Lucius anymore. He was the unbearable one.

"Leave him alone, Lucius-" Narcissa insisted.

"I can't stand his attitude Narcissa-" Lucius interrupted. "It's disgusting, truly".

"Days still long?" Lorenzo queried, taking a seat next to Draco.

"Longer than ever," He replied, moving his eggs around his plate with his fork.

"Surely Pansy wasn't that bad," Lucius interrupted.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, slowly turning to face him. Lucius sat proudly with a devilish smirk spread across his face. The smirk Draco unfortunately inherited.

"What?" Draco seethed.

"What, you think Pansy would just have sex with you out of nowhere? Truly, you don't think that?" he said, "Maybe you should think with your head the next time you ever think about sleeping with a filthy...little...mudblood."

Draco pounced on top his father, repeatedly punching his face over and over again. I don't say anything. Why should I help Lucius? He deserved this.

He forced Draco to be a death eater.

The task caused Onyx to die.

He hurt Draco and Lorenzo when they were only fresh to 14 years of age.

He's emotionally abusive to Narcissa.

He's done horrible things.

He's a horrible person.

He deserves every punch that Draco gives and worse.

"What the fuck did you do?!" Draco screamed. Lucius just laughed and Draco punched him harder.

"Tell me what you fucking did!" He shouted. Lucius started coughing up blood, keeping the smug look on his face. Draco punched him again and again. "Fucking speak!"

"Draco," He panted. "Stop".

We all watched. I looked at Lorenzo and Blaise who were also unsure of what to do.

endlessly; lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now