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It's been a day since the war. Lorenzo and I spent most of yesterday resting together. I tried to figure out any spells that could help his wound but it was impossible. Scratches like that are irreversible.

Draco had been sleeping a lot. He finally showed up to breakfast this morning. I didn't know when he would eat with us.

"Can you pass me the orange juice?" Lorenzo queried.

Draco sighed and passed him the jug. "Thank you darling, you're such an angel," Lorenzo smiled.

I rolled my eyes and laughed at the idiot. He always finds a a way to make everyone smile, even in the worst of times.

I look up at Blaise who wasn't even eating. He just sat silently. It was becoming hard to read him. Without Onyx, Blaise just isn't Blaise.

I hate seeing him like this. Onny's death was really taking a toll on him. It didn't feel real to me.

"How are you Blaise? Are you alright?" I asked, reaching across the table for his hand.

"I will be over time yes," He weakly squeezed my hand for a moment before letting go.

"Blaise," Lucille spoke. "W-What happened.. to Onyx?"

I was wondering the same but I didn't think anyone would ask. It felt too soon.

"She um-. She was-. She was being um-. Eaten. By the um-," He stuttered, "By Greyback-. Fenrir Greyback." Blaise sucked in his cheeks, trying his best not to cry.

But he ended up crying.

A knot in my throat started to grow and my eyes started to pool.

Onyx De Loughrey was dead and she wasn't coming back.

It finally felt real. Reality had finally hit me.

"E-Excuse me- I have to-." Lucille stuttered, running out of the room.

Draco went to stand up. "No Draco. I'll go," I spoke, slowly walking out of the room.

I felt like I was going to throw up from the hurt I was feeling. I knock on Lucille's door, "Lucille, it's me. C-Can I come in?" I sniffled.

She opens the door and immediately falls into my arms. We both sob into each other's embrace.

"S-She's really gone," I cried.

"What are we going to do? We lost our best friend," Lucille spoke.

We both ended up on the floor, leaning onto to each other. As hard as I tried, the tears kept falling down my face. I kept thinking of Onny, every memory, every laugh, every smile.

"Who cares if Lorenzo has a thing with Luna at the moment? Tell him you like him! Don't be a pussy Ellie," Onyx exclaimed.

"No, no way," I argued.

"I've been waiting for years for you two to get together and it's finally happening!"

"But it's not happening," I spoke. "He doesn't see me like that and he probably won't ever ".

"Bullshit. I see the way he looks at you," She shoved a piece of toast in her mouth, chewing obnoxiously.

"If he liked me that way, he wouldn't be sleeping with Lovegood".

"Did you see how jealous he used to get when you hung out with Angelos last year?" She added.

"Who cares? Maybe he was right to hate Levi because he's a dick who left without telling me anything".

endlessly; lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now