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"So what are we doing today?" Blaise asked as we all finished eating breakfast.

"Malfoy," I spoke catching his attention. "Do you still have your inside pool?

"You have an inside fucking pool?" Onyx's mouth dropped open.

"Yeah of course," Draco answered.

"Well let's go swimming," Lorenzo cheered, standing up from his chair.

"Onny, Luce. Can you come help me pick a bikini?" I asked and they both nodded in agreement.

"Why can't I help you pick? I have very good taste," Lorenzo jeered with a big smirk on his face.

"Leave it Enzo. They're going to go off and have a 'girl talk' and they'll tell us to piss off," Blaise bickered.

"See Blaise understands," I peck Lorenzo's cheek and grab Lucille and Onyx's hands as we walked to my room.

Onyx shuts the door behind us ,"Spill. I need the whole story on this 'love you' thing".

Her and Lucille excitedly sit on the bed in anticipation.

"We were giving each other our presents and he suddenly got really nervous and said he had to tell me something. The he just blurted that he loved me," I grin widely as they both squeal.

"Aw that's so sweet he got nervous," Lucille added.

"How come it took you guys so long though? You've been dating for months," Onyx stood up, walking over to my drawer to help me find a swimsuit.

"I don't know. It just took us time I guess," I answered hesitantly.

"Better than me. Sometimes I feel like I said it too soon," Lucille admitted, "I love Draco, I really do but we just moved really fast seeming how he treated me for years. I'm over it though- mostly".

"How fast?" I queried.

"Within the first few..days," Lucille faced the floor, avoiding our eyes.

"Days?!" Onyx and I exclaimed in unison.

"I know, I know. It slipped out but I did mean it. It's so weird how everything has changed over the past year," Lucille said.

"I agree. Look at us. Our entire group has ended up in happy relationships," Onyx acknowledged passing me a bikini.

"I love your sense of style Onny. Thank you," I kiss her cheek which she returns.

I go into the bathroom to change. I look at how my body has changed. My waist is more cinched and my curves had become more accentuated. I had developed a lot of confidence over the last year and a half. I had gained a lot of love for my body. I was proud of it.

I walk back out to Onny and Luce. "Shit. You look hot," Onyx complimented.

A loud knocking emits from the door. "Are you guys done yet? I need to get dressed too you know!" Lorenzo shouts through the crack in the door.

"We'll see you downstairs in 5," Lucille laughs leading Onyx out of the room.

Lorenzo walks in looking me up and down, "You're just beautiful aren't you".

I roll my eyes playfully and he walks over, crashing his lips against mine. I sink into it, running my fingers through his hair. "How about we just don't join them in the pool?" Lorenzo smirked.

"Nice try," I laugh walking away and grabbing a towel from the bathroom.

"You're no fun," He pouts trying to give puppy eyes.

endlessly; lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now