Mornings & Tears ; Chapter 7.

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"Holy fuck."

My eyes darted up from the stove to see Derek standing there, naked from the hips up. His boxers clung to his waist tightly, leaving nothing to the imagination. I was dressed in his white undershirt and my underwear. My hair was a curly mess, and I had noticeable hickeys on my breasts.

"Good morning to you too."
"I can't believe I fell asleep." He said, taking a seat at the island.
"I was just making some food. I have to be at the office in an hour. I don't know when you have to leave but you can make yourself comfortable I guess."
"Are we making this a thing, Ms. Mota?" He said, cocking his head to the side.

I blushed a bit and bit down on my bottom lip, raising my shoulders.

"I'm not sure, Mr. Hough."
"Well maybe we should talk over dinner. My place."
"You cook?"
He let out a hearty laugh, "Good one. I have a personal chef. Any suggestions?"
"I didn't answer you."
"I figured you would say yes. So, again, any suggestions?" He smirked.
I shook my head and laughed, "Spaghetti."
"Spaghetti it is."

I finished cooking my eggs and plated them before taking a seat beside him. He bit down on an apple and looked at me out of the corner of his eye. Heat grew in between my legs and I squirmed a bit in my seat. It doesn't make sense how he can have such an effect on me. We fucked. Once. But man it was fantastic.

I snapped out of my daze when his hand reached my thigh. I took a deep breath, feeling heat rise in my cheeks.

"Mr. Hough, I have to get ready soon."

His hand kept rising, pushing his shirt up with it. He set his apple down and turned to me, placing his lips on my neck. I closed my eyes, moaning at the sensation.

"Derek, please. I have to get ready."

His fingers went to work as I dropped my fork. My insides melted, my hands around his neck. Our lips collided, the sexual tension leaving no time. Derek's hands let go of me, only to pick me up and throw me down on the couch. His teeth bit down on my bottom lip, his hands roaming my body.

"What have you done to me..." He groaned, reconnecting our lips.
"I could say the same to you." He cut me off by kissing me again, and removing his shirt from my body. His hands worked quickly, moans escaping from my lips.
"Bethany? You're late." Alec said once his eyes set on me.
"I'm aware. Can you tell me what I've missed?"
He tilted his head but nodded. "Charlie expected an absence from you today so he is currently meeting with the board of communications to talk about the new buildings that we have recently aquired."
"Did you work with him to complete the write up for that?"
"Charlie and I did that about a week and a half ago."
"Alright. Do you think I should go in there?"
His eyes momentarily widened. "You're asking me? I'm not the CEO."
"It was more of a time question."

I set my bag down on my desk, taking a seat in my chair. I combed through my hair with my fingers, and straightened out my blouse.

"Call his assistant. Tell her that I would like to speak to him once the meeting is complete."

Alec turned and started to walk out of my office.


He turned back around and tilted his head.

"When is the first meeting between Morgan, Hough and I?"
"Monday at 2."
"Thank you."
"Of course."

He made his way to his desk outside of my office. My phone, which was now on my desk, began to vibrate. Becca's name was clear across it.

"Are you still coming to dinner tonight?"
Fuck. "Uhm- yeah. Definitely."
"You sure?"
"Yes Becca. I'll be there."
"Alright. 6:30."
"Are you okay?"
"I have to go Becca."

I hung up, pulling my hair back into my hands.

"Why the hell are you just sitting there?!? Say something, anything!" I screamed, my eyes watering as Becca tried to pull me back. "Becca needs someone other than Louise to raise her. You can shut me out but you damn well better not shut her out."

She continued to sit there, no emotion appearing on her face.

"Dad is dead, and we all have to live with that. We all have to move on. You don't get to do this. You don't get to act like this is only affecting you. All that makes you is a selfish bitch." My words spewed out like venom, my heart racing.

"Bethany, stop." Becca pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

I took one last look before I stormed out of her bedroom, and down the main staircase.

"Where are you going?!"
"Anywhere but here." My voice was like ice.
"Please don't leave." She cracked. Her body fell to the stair beneath her, the railing catching her.

Her voice became distant as I moved to the front door. I opened it and slammed it, feeling my legs giving out beneath me.
Oh my goodness I am so so so sorry it has taken me so long to update. And I know this wasn't my best work but the next couple chapters will definitely make up for it. The ending of this one will make a lot more sense in the next couple chapters, I promise. I hope you all enjoyed and feedback is greatly appreciated!! :)

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