You Are Incredible; Chapter 17.

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"Charlie, have you heard anything new today?" I asked over the phone, staring down at the files in front of my desk. Shaking my head,
I glanced up again, only to see Alec in the same spot as he was when I looked up 10 seconds ago.
"We haven't yet, but we've got people from Morgan helping us out." He sighed. "Speaking of, you have your meeting at their office today. 3 o clock."
"You and George are coming too. We established this."
"I'm aware, Bethany. I'm just saying you should probably start making your way over there within the hour. Take Alec with you."
"And tell him what?? Oh, I know where you were the other day. I found you on a surveillance camera."
"Now there is no need for sarcasm."

I took a deep breath and flipped my hair back, leaning back into the chair.

"I know, I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. I know you're stressed. Just talk to him about new things going on with the pairing of Morgan and Whiel. Catch him up."
"He's my assistant. He sees everything I send out."
"Right." I could almost feel his smile. "Call Derek and talk to him the entire time."
"Charlie." I smiled to myself and shook my head. "Stop. Why aren't you riding with me anyway?"
"I have to wait for George to get out of the meeting for the renovation."
"Right okay. We'll I'm gonna be leaving soon so I'll see you there okay? Don't forget the list of new employees and plans for the money section. Also, can you grab the new shares we got from Peterson?" I asked, standing up.
"I can't believe you managed to get some from them."
"I'm a good girlfriend." I moved my hand forward and smiled. "See you soon Charlie."

My heels hit the cement, clicking the ground all the way into the lobby of Morgan, Inc. The people at the front desk nodded at me and I smiled, walking right past them and onto the elevator. Alex trailed behind me, stepping in and pressing the 65th floor button. He went back to typing on his tablet, and swiping things back and forth.

"You seem stressed." I blurted out, internally kicking myself.
"Just a lot of work to catch up on."

I nodded, going back to thinking inside of my own head. The elevator beeped sooner than I thought and I quickly made my way out, with Alec following behind me. The women at the desk smiled to me, and soon Derek emerged from his office, his mouth in a grim line.

"Welcome, Ms. Mota." He turned away from me and nodded his head Alec. "Mr. Haight."
Alec looked up at me and then at him. "Mr. Hough."

We all walked together to the meeting room and Derek opened the door, allowing us to walk in first.

"So, before Charlie and George arrive, I just wanted to share this with you. I have managed to gain 2/5 shares of your transportation back from Peterson." I couldn't stop the smile on my face as Derek's lit up.
"How did you manage that??"
"I'm a good negotiator."

He smiled and clapped his hands together once.

"This is incredible. Thank you."
"Of course."

I placed my hand on his and gripped it tightly.

"Charlie and George should be with us soon."
"Same with Sam and James."

The room went silent. Derek's eyes moved over and looked at Alec, who was still intently staring at his tablet.

"How many people have we hired so far?"
"Around 30-40. Plus we still have more interviews to do." George said.
James nodded, "And the income? How has the starting weeks been?"
"I've actually been in charge of this, and it's a lot bigger than we anticipated." Sam added in, resulting in a nod from everybody in the room.
"I knew this partnership was going to benefit us both." James stated.
"In more ways than one." Derek mumbled next to me, and I giggled.
"Guys, I'm looking forward to next weeks meeting." Derek said, standing up.
"I actually won't be in attendance, so I'm leaving it up to Charlie George and Alec."

Derek's eyes widened, and I smiled.

"This meeting was very successful, thank you guys."

They all smirked or nodded as I walked out and Derek followed. I made my way to his office, waiting for him to close the door behind us. As soon as it shut, I turned around, seeing a stone cold look on his face. I felt my insides flip, and heat rush to my cheeks.

"You are incredible. Honestly."

He closed the space between us and kissed me, hard. My breath got caught in my throat, and for a moment, I forgot whose air I was breathing. I moaned, louder than I wanted to when he hands reached my back, yanking me closer to him.

"Bethany!" I jumped, Derek releasing me from his grip. My face flushed and I immediately went to adjust my hair. Alec stood there, his face still blank.
"Alec." He just shook his head.
"We need to leave, you have a meeting at 4:30."
"Alright, I'll be right out."
"Now would be nice." Who the fuck does he think he is?!
"I said I'll be out in a minute."

Alec's eyes moved back and forth between the two of us, and his face showed no emotion before walking out.

"Relax, and call me when you're done with your meeting okay? I'll come pick you up."

Derek's hand grabbed my back and pulled me to him again, kissing me softly. I bit my lip, and walked out of his office, heading to the elevator. Alec trailed behind me, and once we were inside, the door shut, leaving us to silence.

"You know, many people would find your relationship to be very unprofessional."
"What would you know about being unprofessional, Alec?"
"I'm just saying." He never looked up, not even once.
"Thanks for giving your input on my relationship."

The sarcasm rolled off my tongue, and I bit down on it to keep myself from exploding.

"There is a ton of paperwork for you to do at the office when we return. I want it all done by 5."

His jaw dropped as I made my way out of the elevator, heading towards our car.

Two can play at this game.
Welp, this part does seem out of place. For now, that is. It was needed for the remainder of the storyline, so I hope you guys enjoyed!

Also, thank you so so so much for bearing with me. I have been working so much but definitely writing when I can. So please continue to bear with me because this story is going to get good.

Feedback is always appreciated ❤️

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