Nothing is Making Sense ; Chapter 16.

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"Bethany, I need to speak with you."

Charlie said, poking his head into the meeting room. It was an impromptu meeting between Morgan Inc and I. Whiel was currently trying to regain some shares from Peterson to give Morgan their transportation back.

"Is it urgent? We're almost done here."
"Bethany. Please."

I looked over at Derek and he nodded his head, turning to talk to James. Standing up, I followed Charlie out into the hallway, and then down the hall to his office.

"What is it?"
"Do you know where Alec is?"
"He took the day off, why?"
"Our telecommunications director, Jerry, who has the connections to street cameras, has seen otherwise."
"What do you mean?"
"Bethany." Charlie took a seat and rubbed his face a little bit. "He was seen meeting with your mother."
I felt my insides freeze. "I don't understa-" I took a deep breath and sat down as well. "They don't even know each other."
"I don't know what they were doing, but he got into a car and 10 minutes later, your mom entered the same car."

I clenched my fists, and stood back up.

"Tell Jerry to keep an eye on them. Follow them, and find out where they were going."
"Bethany, we don't have the power-"
"Find a way!"

I walked out of the office and went straight to mine, slamming the door shut. What the actual fuck was going on.

"Beth, is everything okay?" I looked up and shook my head. "What's going on?"
"Nothing is making any sense."
"Hey, talk to me."

He moved closer to me, grabbing my hands.

"Alec is currently meeting with my mother."

He raised his eyebrows and I nodded.

"No, that doesn't make sense? Did they know each other from when your dad-"
"I hired Alec for me. He had no connections to my family, or so I thought."

Derek tilted his head, and then pulled me in for a hug.

"Relax." He whispered, rubbing his hands up and down my back.
"How the fuck do you expect me to relax?!" I shoved away from him, and walked over to my desk, sitting down. "Fuck."
"You're getting worked up. It could be nothing."
"Nothing? That woman has claimed to stay in the house ever since my father died. Or should I say my father was killed. She's been lying to not only me, but Becca."

I paused, feeling tears come to my eyes.

"Becca has been through enough. She doesn't need this."

He walked closer to me and pulled me up out of my seat, only to wipe my tears.

"Calm down. We'll figure this out, together. Okay?"

I only nodded.

"Now Bethany, it seems they went out for lunch. Nothing too sketchy. But they were in there for quite some time." Jerry looked up, only to look back down. "I reached out to a good friend of mine who works for the police department and they were able to get camera feeds from the restaurant. It just looks like they talked, nothing suspicious. Until they were about to leave, that is."
I narrowed my eyes on the screen, catching glimpse of a tall and broad man entering the room. "Who is that Jerry?"
"I'm not sure. He was facing the other direction, and there is only one camera in the room they were in."
"Alec is going to have a pleasant day tomorrow." I said, looking over at Charlie.
"Bethany." Charlie said, turning his head over a Derek. "I don't think you should bring it up to him. He'll cut ties and then we'll have gotten nowhere."
"What else do you want me to do? We're not spies here, Charlie."
"No but we are a major business. And you happen to be dating the CEO of another major business. We can get to the bottom of this."

Derek smiled to himself as I nodded.

"You need to relax before you have an aneurism. You're 25 for Christ's sake, Bethany." Jerry said.
"I'm also 25 with a mom who doesn't give a shit and a father who's murder has not been solved." I snapped, getting up and walking out of the office.
"Bethany!" Derek called after me as I headed for my office, shutting and locking the door. I sat down, throwing my head into my hands. I took a deep breath. Tears formed in my eyes, and soon fell over.

The office was closed down, everyone was at home, probably sleeping if they were in their right minds. Me? Not so much. I was still fucking sitting here. This time at my desk, overlooking the same reports over and over again.

"God what the fuck is going on?" I screamed, pushing everything off of my desk and onto the floor.

A knock on my door scared me almost an hour later, causing me to sit up from the ground.

"Bethany..." It was Derek. Fuck, he can't see me like this.
"Go away. Please."
"Come on, it's almost 4 in the morning. Call off tomorrow, we'll deal with this in the morning, after you get some sleep."
"I can't. I have-"
"You have nothing. I already cleared your schedule. Now come home with me. Please."

His voice was pleading, and it wasn't something I was used to. I stood up and unlocked the door, allowing him to come in. He grabbed my jacket and purse before grabbing my hand and walking me out of the office.

"Are you gonna talk to me?" He was worried, I could tell. It was 5 in the morning, and I've just been sitting in silence. "Bethany I'm not used to seeing you like this. I need to know what's going through your mind. Please."
I nodded, and his grip on me tightened. "My father's death wasn't spontaneous. My family and I have always had a feeling that it was planned. My mom never wanted anything to do with this belief, and she shut herself out. It just doesn't make sense. I'm trying to make sense of it... But I can't. I just-"

He cut me off by pressing his lips to mine, kissing me softly. I whimpered, halfway between crying and moaning.

"Derek...." He released me and looked at me. I sat up and climbed over onto his lap. My hands cupped his face, his reaching up to wipe my tears. "I need you."
"You have me baby."

I brought our lips back together, kissing him passionately.
I told you it was gonna be confusinggggg lol. I hope you guys are ready, because I have amazing things planned for this. I hope you enjoyed!! Feedback is appreciated :)

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