I Do ; Chapter 27.

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{Author's Note: anything written in italics is a flashback. I hope you guys enjoy what I did with this chapter ❤️}
To say marriage was something Bethany dreamed about since she was a child was an understatement. She wanted the romance, the flowers, and the love. She wanted to love someone, and she wanted to be loved. After her father had died however, that perspective changed. She wanted nothing to do with relationships, and she wanted to be independent, and strong. Which she had become after years of shutting people out.

Derek on the other hand never gave it a thought. He saw how much his father had loved his mother, but in is household, love wasn't the answer. Business was. That's all his focus had ever been. Get the job done, celebrate, repeat. He never in a million years thought he would want to be with someone for something other than sex. Something other than 'smash and dash', as it was called in college.

That was until they met each other. Sure it started as an affair, as a forbidden relationship, as Bethany once called it. But something changed when Derek realized that Bethany was falling apart. She needed him more than anyone. And he knew that.

And today, on the 19 of October, they were getting married.

Bethany was in a room, surrounded by her mother, sister and friends. There was a fruit platter, and little pastry treats. The room was a pastel color, letting Bethany's off white dress stand out. Her hair was curled down her back, and the sides were pulled back, sitting loosely. Her veil was perfectly set in her mini pony tail, and her makeup was neutral, the only thing standing out being her dark eyeshadow. She was taking deep breaths in and out, looking all around the room. The last time she had been this nervous was her college graduation. She had butterflies, and tons and tons of them.

Derek was in a room adjacent to hers, surrounded by his father, brother, James and his friends. His hair was slicked back, and even after years of wearing suits, he was in the most formal one he had ever seen. He was nervous. To everyone's surprise at least. Derek was always a straight up guy. Never nervous. Ever.

The wedding was supposed to start in 10 minutes, and neither Derek nor Bethany could think straight. Derek slowly took his place at the alter, smiling at all the guests. Their venue was breathtaking. Overlooking the ocean, their colors of off white and light pink flowed beautifully together.

Bethany took another deep breath as she saw her father approaching her. He only smiled as her eyes began to water.

"What's wrong baby girl?"
"I never thought you would be here to walk me down the aisle."
"Well, to be honest. I didn't either. But don't cry, you'll ruin your makeup."

She smiled lightly, seeing everyone begin to line up.

"I love you daddy."
"I love you too, Beth."

As soon as everyone else had made their way through the nets, they opened, and Bethany and her father stepped through them. Derek's hand flew to his mouth, trying to contain the tears that were at his eyes. She walked slowly towards him, until their hands were finally joined. Bethany's father placed a small kiss on both of their hands and the two walked up closer to the priest.

Bethany's eyes never left Derek's, the priests words like a whisper to her. She only smiled, feeling her heart beat that much faster. His vows, even though she listened, went by fast, leaving it up to her. She had practiced multiple times, feeling confident in what she was gonna say. But one look at him, and it was gone.

"Derek, I um. I had originally planned what I was gonna say, because that's what I do. I plan. But with you, nothing is planned. I never expected you to show up into my office the way you did, and leave such an everlasting impact on me. You were there for me, when nobody else was. Our relationship was a roller coaster but the more twists and turns we had, the more we evolved. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone, and I cannot wait to share the rest of my life with you."

He smiled at her and turned to the priest.

"Derek, take this ring and repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed."

"Mr. Hough? I'm Bethany Mota, CEO of Whiel Enterprises. How can I be of assistance to you?"

"With this ring, I thee wed."
"Bethany, take this ring, and repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed."

"Were you watching me, Mr. Hough?" I asked, feeling my throat go dry.
"Every inch of you."

"With this ring, I thee wed."
"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

"If you need anything, let me know. I can try to help."
He nodded, looking back up at me. "I need you."
I felt my heartbeat speed up. "You need me?"
"My god yes. Yes I fucking need you." He crawled over me, pushing me back onto the pillows. "I've needed you since you walked into that meeting room."
"Oh." I said barely in a whisper. I could feel my heartbeat in my mouth. His head swooped down, capturing my lips with his. My lower half caught fire. Before I could pull him closer he pulled away.
I took a deep breath, and felt my cheeks get hot. "Well you have me."

Derek pressed his lips against hers tightly, feeling her wrap her arms around him. The audience erupted into applause as the two turned, raising their hands up.

"Bethany..." His voice was breathy, and hoarse. "I'm falling in love with you."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I now give you, Mr. And Mrs. Derek Hough!"

Derek kissed her once more before the pair walked down the aisle, hand in hand.
AWEEEEEE 😊😊😊😊 I hope you guys enjoyed. This story is coming to an end. But it's not over yet!

Feedback is always appreciated!!

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