Chapter 2: Grim Reaper

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The next day in college, Jisoo was absent again. Y/n stayed at college a little late as she had to issue some books from the library. As she came out, she saw it was raining hard. Thunder and lightning kept illuminating the sky from time to time. Some students ran for shelter, while others carried umbrellas.

As Y/n took out the umbrella from her bag and walked towards the exit, she noticed a familiar figure. He was looking at the rain, probably waiting for it to stop as he did not have any umbrella.

She moved towards him and tapped his shoulder. He flinched a little and faced her.

"Um, Hi! Are you waiting for the rain to stop?" He simply nodded, not bothering to reply. She gestured towards her umbrella, "I'll accompany you to the bus stop, come on." Without waiting for his reply, she held his hand and pulled him with her, making sure that the umbrella covered him well.


It was raining today. Ugh! I don't want to get wet. It's not that I hate rain, but rather, I only hate it when it happens after school. Making way through puddles and mud and rain in white uniform is a big nuisance. Especially if I don't have an umbrella. Just like now.

My internal groaning and whining came to a stop as I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and saw Y/n.

She asked me if I was waiting for the rain to stop, and I just nodded in response. She told me she'll walk with me to the bus stop. Before I could refuse, she grabbed my hand and dragged me with her.

As I looked at her, my mouth slightly open in shock, I managed to mutter, "Thank you." She just smiled slightly. After that, we did not talk anymore on our way.

After reaching the bus stop, we waited for the bus to arrive. I turned my head towards her. She was staring at the road. I hesitated a little before asking, "Are you all right?"

She shifted her gaze towards me, "What?" And that's when I realized how out of context my question sounded, so I clarified. "I saw you in the hospital yesterday, that's why I asked, if perhaps you are sick." "Oh! No, I'm not sick, I just came to visit someone." "I see. Is that someone, by any chance, my mother?" I asked. "Uh, yes." "Hmm." It made sense. She's Jisoo best friend, of course she'd have visited her. I felt stupid to her the obvious.

The bus finally came. We were the only ones to take this bus from this stop today, or so I thought.

She kept the umbrella over me and told me to get in first.

"Aren't you gonna come?" I ask her as I notice that she stayed outside. "No, my route is different. I always walk back home anyway. Have a safe ride. Goodbye!" She smiled and went away, while I stood there surprised. "So...did she come here, away from her usual route, only to accompany me?"



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