Chapter 5: Playful Revenge

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After running about twenty laps in the college grounds as a punishment for causing mischief, Kim Seokjin sat on the bench, trying to catch his breath. As his shirt was sweaty, he went to the changing room after composing himself.

Greeting one of his class-fellows along the way, he made his way towards his locker. He opened his locker and a scream escaped his lips, because a creepy, white human skeleton stood inside his locker, with its bony arms crossed. Moreover, he was wearing Seokjin's pea cap on his head.

"What's wrong?" his class-fellow, Kai, asked while coming towards him. Seokjin glanced at him and pointed his finger towards his locker.

The boy frowned in confusion, but when he beheld the situation, he burst out laughing. "So the prankster got pranked, huh?"

"Yah! Instead of making fun of me, help me get rid of it!" Seokjin spoke while grinding his teeth.

Kai came forward and took the cap off the skeleton's head. "Wait...doesn't the situation seem a little familiar?" he asked.

"What?" Seokjin raised his eyebrow.

"Kim Jisoo! You put a lizard in her locker, remember. It makes sense that she's taking her revenge like this."

"Maybe," he muttered, but unknowingly a smile formed on his lips.

"Let's just focus on taking it back to the biology lab. If a teacher catches us with it, I'll have to run more than twenty laps this time, and you too."

"Why am I being dragged into it?" The other boy asked, frozen upon hearing about getting a punishment.

"Well, I can't take it back alone discreetly, right? Also, if you help me, I'll treat you whatever you want tomorrow." Jin offered.

"Deal!" Kai immediately agreed.

"Tch, tch, you won't help a friend simply for humanity, but rather for food?" Seokjin shook his head in disbelief.

"Come on," his class-fellow smacked his head with the skeleton's wrist, ignoring his words.

Seokjin scrunched his nose while grabbing the skeleton, and made his way towards the door.

He was, of course, oblivious to the fact that there were two girls hidden at the end of the room, viewing him clearly. As the door of the changing room shut behind him, they pounded their fists together while grinning at their victory. "Mission accomplished!"

"He looked really cute though!" Jisoo whispered making Y/n roll her eyes.

They both crawled out of their hiding - place, and hurriedly walked towards the door. But their luck for the day had apparently run out already, as the door opened right in front of them, making them freeze at their spot.

"Professor !" They both gasped.

Time skip

The professor tapped his feet on the ground restlessly as he beheld the four students standing in front of him, their heads bowed.

"Well," he started, making them all gulp. "Would you boys mind telling me why you were handling a skeleton outside of the biology lab when it's not allowed for the students, and you girls, would you like to explain what you were doing in the boys' changing room?"

After a moment of silence in the empty classroom, Jisoo and Y/n glanced at each other and nodded, silently agreeing to tell the truth.

"Actually, Professor..." Y/n started.

"It's my fault." Seokjin immediately cut her off, making her look at him in surprise.

"What?" Both Professor and Y/n asked simultaneously, Y/n quickly put a hand on her mouth.

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