Chapter 12: A Victory To Celebrate

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The last few days had passed in a blur for Y/n, but they had been memorable all the same. It was as if her life was finally going to get peaceful, or perhaps it was the calm before a storm.

Her friendship with Taehyung had blossomed quite well. They'd even gone for coffee one evening on Taehyung's suggestion. It had been out of the blue but Y/n hadn't minded a bit.


Y/n sat in a café after a tiring day at college. She intended to talk to Hyunjin about Grim Reaper's situation but she couldn't contact him. She sighed in frustration and put her phone back in her bag.

She took another sip of the coffee still lost in thoughts. Her sixth sense indicated something was off. Her thoughts started to become hazy and she felt her vision blur.

She looked at the cup of her coffee and then ran her gaze around. She could vaguely spot a barista staring right at her. Her head fell on the table with a thud and she drifted into oblivion.



My head felt heavy. It took a lot of effort to lift it. In addition to the misery of the headache, I found myself tied to a chair with chains.

The room was dimly lit and had a cupboard and table on one side. On the walls hung various knives, drill-machines, spikes, whips, chains and other various instruments of torture. I gulped and worked on trying to free myself from the chains. The door opened and someone familiar came in.

"Grim Reaper!" I recognize him.

"It's a pleasure for Grim Reaper to be remembered by the infamous Green Eyes agent. Perhaps I should just call you Y/n." Yoongi exclaims mockingly. 

My eyes widen. 'How did he know about my identity?'

Oblivious to the mess my mind was in, he continued.

"I went through a lot of trouble searching for you, you know, but now that you're here...Welcome. Since it's the first and last time you're in my house, I've prepared a great welcome surprise for you. You'll love it." Yoongi said as he went to the cupboard and opened it, before turning back towards me.

"I hope you know... it will be your farewell gift as well."

Smirking, he took out a briefcase and put it on the table, dragging it in front of her. He opened it with a click.

Y/n, who was silently trying her best to take her hands out from the chains froze on her spot, her eyes glued to the briefcase, her breathing getting heavier.

Yoongi noticed her expressions and grinned. "Awed, aren't you? Aren't they beautiful?" He gestured to his collection of blades.

She looked him in the eyes. "You can't break me."

He smiled. "I knew playing with you would be fun."

He pulled back her sleeve and placed the tip of a sharp blade on her arm. His eyes stayed fixated on Y/n's face as he pierced her skin.

Y/n kept her face devoid of any expression of pain as she endured it all in silence. His grip tightened on her arm as he carved the next letters more harshly than before.

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