Chapter 14: Make It Right

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"Having a taste of your own medicine, huh?" Yeonjun asked as Taehyung whimpered slightly. He could not move a muscle, which induced a strange fear inside him.

"Can't speak? Too bad! I might have gone a little too far." Yeonjun sadly shook his head. "Did you know that Y/n was temporarily paralyzed when she was brought to the hospital? It's only fair you are, too."

He glanced at the ceiling and sighed as he remarked, "I don't know what's up with this agency. The top agents are being paralyzed and taken over by their juniors. Tsk tsk. What horrible days!"

He shifted his gaze to Taehyung. "Want to hear the fun part of the story?" He leaned forward, bringing his face directly in front of Taehyung's as a smirk lifted the corner of his lips.

"Near Han River, a car accident took place. The person who died was taken to the hospital nearby, but sadly he couldn't be saved. Oh, poor Agent 001- Kim Taehyung! The blood and DNA samples from the accident matched his." A shiver ran down Taehyung's spine. "So to elaborate what I said, you're technically dead to the agency and the world."

"Are you disappointed that you had only a few days to be Agent 001?" he snickered.

Tears rolled down Taehyung's eyes as he beheld his own helpless state. He felt useless, broken. His body did not obey him anymore. He was constantly being reminded of Y/n and her condition that he'd been the cause of. How much he loathed himself at the moment.

"Should I tell you how your mother and sister are dealing with the news of your death?" Taehyung felt as if he had just been stabbed in the heart.

"That...would be exactly how I had felt when I had heard that Y/n was at the hospital after being rescued from the Grim Reaper."

Yeonjun punched him in the face and he coughed blood. Somehow, deep inside, he admitted to himself that he had deserved that punch.

"I am sorry, Y/n-ah. I hurt the man you so foolishly care about. My fist was aching to meet his jaw." Yeonjun spoke in a low voice, inaudible to Taehyung.

He took one last glance at the helpless man and moved out of the room. In the one hour that Taehyung remained in that state, he felt so much emotional pain that he felt as if he was going to die. And yet, he was aware that what he was going through in this hour was what Y/n was now suffering every hour of the day because of him.

He regretted what he did to her, deeply.

He wanted to cry, to scream, to curse at himself, but his motionless body didn't allow him to do so. Only his tears could run down his cheeks, silently. His agony increased as he slowly died from the inside.

After about an hour, Yeonjun entered the room and untied him. Taehyung, even more broken and weaker than before shifted his gaze towards him.

Yeonjun spoke in a cold tone, "The serum will wear off in a few minutes. Your paralysis wasn't permanent. I just showed you a teeny tiny bit of how the physical pain Y/n felt because of you. About your fake death, it was just a lie,' he smirked, which soon vanished as he said, "But I hope you learned the lesson. You broke my friend- no, my sister, way too much. I just helped you to realize it."." His stare became more intense as he said, "Go, and try to heal her because I can't see her like this. She- still thinks of you as a friend."

'Maybe more than that,' he couldn't tell Taehyung that. And then he exited the room again.

Taehyung realized that what Yeonjun had done to him was what he rightly deserved. And so he didn't blame Yeonjun, but was rather grateful to him for making him realize that what he'd thought of as his victory had actually been his defeat.

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