Chapter 13: Kill Two Birds With One Stone

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Taehyung had been more than glad when he became Y/n's friend. She'd been there for him even when he did not ask her to. In fact, she'd been the one to take the first step towards him the day she'd offered him an umbrella.

He felt blessed to have her as his friend, oblivious to the fact that she held a secret for him – a secret that mattered a lot to him.

After being given the task to find Grim Reaper by Hoseok, he'd wasted a lot of days simply because he didn't care if anybody found out who Agent 001 was. But then, realizing that this person was also a major threat to innocent lives, he started taking this matter seriously.

The police department didn't help him because this case was being worked upon by Jungkook, who was a stubborn policeman. So Taehyung decided to gather information by himself.

Going through the data he had gathered, he halted as he noticed something. One of the grim reaper's victims had been found near the Minho factory. It was on the same day he'd had a mission there, had been injured and helped by Yoongi.

'Perhaps Yoongi would know something,' Taehyung wondered. 'He was out there that night when he helped me...wait, why was he out there in the first place? People usually avoid that area due to the Minho gang...'

When he'd met up with Yoongi the next day, he'd found the guy to be sketchy. The way his eyes glinted at the mention of the victims and the way his smirk didn't leave his face during the whole conversation made him suspicious in Taehyung's eyes.

So Taehyung gathered more information to confirm his doubts. He found that Yoongi had previously worked in a restaurant, from where he'd been fired. He had then asked his cousin, Jungkook, to help him out financially. Jungkook had been granted permission by the Chief to let Yoongi help him in collecting data for cases temporarily.

Recently, Yoongi had gone on a holiday; there had been five cases of Grim Reaper – in one day. This was one of the many things that confirmed Taehyung's suspicion that Yoongi was the Grim Reaper.

Before Taehyung could start working on dealing with Yoongi, something had happened. Fate had moved a pawn in this game very wickedly.

Taehyung found a flash drive on his desk. He was certain it didn't belong to him. Wary but curious, he inserted it into his laptop. What he beheld left him shocked and hurt.

Y/n...was Agent 001. She'd been fooling him all along. She hadn't trusted him enough even though they were friends.

"No, she must've had a reason." He tried to convince himself. With a heavy heart, he shut the laptop screen and went to bed with a heavy heart.


Their eyes met during the lecture and Y/n flashed him a smile. He could only offer her a closed-lip one in return as the feeling of betrayal was still fresh and raw.

He asked her out for coffee, to give her a chance to confess to him and show that she trusted him.



"Let's play a game." Taehyung suggested as Y/n took a sip of her coffee.

"What is it?" Y/n asked curiously.

He managed a soft smile before replying, "We'll take turns and ask each other some questions about ourselves. Whoever gets the most questions wrong would get a penalty. What say?"

"Ok." She agreed.

"I'll go first." Taehyung started. "What's my favorite color?"


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