Chapter 17: In The Name of Love

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Y/n screamed as the building exploded. Taehyung had barely made it out of the danger zone in time. He breathed heavily, still holding Hyunjin in his arms which had now started to ache, but he couldn't bear to put him on the floor for Y/n's sake.

Y/n ran towards them. The tears she'd managed to control came running down her face again as she held Taehyung's arm, trying to assess him for any sign of harm.

"I'm okay," he whispered. Sweat glinted on his forehead, but he had managed to morph his face to prevent the tiredness from appearing on it. Y/n felt somewhat relieved to hear his response.

Her eyes then slid to Hyunjin's limp form and blurred again, a wretched sob escaping her throat.

Jungkook knelt beside Taehyung, "Let me carry him."

Y/n shifted his gaze towards him.

"It's alright," Taehyung breathed. "The car I brought is close by; I'll take him to it."

Jungkook nodded. After a brief glance at Y/n, Taehyung walked away in the direction where the said car was, holding Hyunjin in his arms.

Y/n shifted her attention towards Jungkook.

"You've kept your end of the deal, officer, and have helped us even more than that." Her face still glinted with tears but her voice was strong.

"I just wanted to end this matter for good." He hesitated, before continuing, "Surely you know that Hyunjin was Jackson's right hand, and..."

"He was the agency's undercover spy," she corrected him.

"Oh." Jungkook's face lit in understanding.

"Then I suppose, the agency will deal with..."

"The funeral proceedings, yes." She spoke quietly. "I'll fulfill my part of the promise as well. You will not have to worry about the agency interfering with the police unnecessarily. I also owe you for your help today. I may no longer be directly associated with the agency, but I'll do whatever I can if you require anything."

Jungkook nodded. "I appreciate it. Let's go, now."



Y/n opened the door, earning a wailing creak. In the darkness, she fumbled with the wall, searching for a light switch.

Her hands hit the switch and she pressed it, filling the room with a warm glow.

The apartment consisted of a single bedroom, an attached bath, and a mini-kitchen. There was minimal furniture, and the place gave off a melancholic vibe.

Y/n made her way to the bedroom. The bed was unkempt, the sheets were crumpled and the pillow tilted slightly. Empty bottles lay discarded on the table near the window.

She walked towards the bedside table and opened the first drawer. Inside it was a familiar, empty box of chocolates; one that she had sent to Hyunjin. And there was one more thing... she gasped as she realized that this was what Hyunjin had said he'd kept for her...

It was a Batman stuffed toy... a familiar one. Despite being slightly withered by age, it was otherwise in good condition. This was the very toy she'd given to Hyunjin when they were kids, on the day which had marked the beginning of their friendship.

He'd kept it...

All these years, he'd kept it safe.

Y/n sobbed, realizing what this meant. In the story of their friendship, this toy symbolized strength. She'd given it to him as a sign of strength that day when he'd faced the bullies. And now, Hyunjin had given it to her so that she could stay strong after his death.

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