Chapter 8: A Brief Look into The Past

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Y/n lay sprawled over her chair while Yeonjun kept typing in the computer, his eyes fixed on the screen. "Noona!" he called her and she sat straight, her eyes focused on the screen as well.

"I've accessed the cctvs of the last press conference Mr.Lee attended, from where he was murdered. Here." He zoomed in, showing her a clearer view of the press. "See someone familiar?" He raised an eyebrow.

She smiled. "It's easier than I thought. I need to make a phone call." He just grinned in understanding. "Say hi to him from me, too."

She nodded and fished out her cellphone from her pocket before dialing in a number.

"Hello," a firm voice greeted her.

"Is Batman free at the moment?" Y/n bit her lips to prevent herself from smiling as she heard an annoyed grunt from the other side.

"For God's sake, Y/n! Stop using that reference. It's cringey, you know?"

"It's a special childhood memory, which is definitely not cringey. Anyways, from the way you're talking, I can tell you're free right now. Please, I require your humble services at the moment." She talked in a formal tone making him chuckle.

"Well, seems like I'll have to lend you a moment from my very precious time, then." He played along.

"Yes, I'm afraid you'll have to. Hyunjin... was there any particular reason as to why you were present in Lee Jong Suk's press on the very same day he died?" The mischievousness from earlier was now replaced by the professional tone, like always.

"Oh," he stopped, contemplating for a while.

"Don't tell me anything if it may cause trouble for you..." She spoke understandingly.

"What exactly, do you want to know?" He interrupted her.

"Mr.Lee's murderer."

He stayed quiet for a moment. "It's Ahn Ji Hyun from the Hades group. I was there in the conference with him because our gang had to supply the weapons for this murder to him."

"He wouldn't spill your name, would he?" Y/n asked concerned.

"No, as per the deal between our gangs, he's not allowed to. And believe it or not, the mafias don't usually betray each other."

She grinned. "You know it seems ironic coming from your mouth, brother."

He scoffed. "I'm just doing my actual job."

"Yes, I know, and I'm proud of you. Well, gotta go now. Oh, Yeonjun says Hi."

"Aigoo. Greet him from my side, too. I..." he broke off, "I miss you guys."

Her heart ached at his words. "We, too, miss you like hell. Let's meet up whenever we get free time."

"I'd love to, but I doubt I'll get off from work any soon. Well, let's see when fate lets us meet again. Take care."

"You too," she said before hanging up. She stared at her cell phone for a moment with a sad smile on her face.

As she glanced at Yeonjun. He also looked at her with the same vulnerable expression. He also missed his friend dearly.

Shrugging off the gloomy thoughts from her mind, Y/n brought a smile to her face. "Found him. The murderer is Ahn Ji Hyun, from the Hades mafia group. Let's go hunting now, shall we?"


The bullet had been taken out. He groaned as the pain of his bandaged leg resurfaced. He clenched his teeth while trying to endure it.

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