Chapter 6: Feelings

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"Are you okay?" Jisoo asked in a whisper. Y/n, who had placed her head on her palm, tried to keep her eyes open and try to understand what the professor was saying, glanced up at her. "I'm okay. Just a little sleep-deprived."

Jisoo looked at her worriedly, "You should've rested at home then! What were you doing, anyway, huh?"

"Umm, studying?" Y/n replied in an unsure voice. Jisoo sighed. "The period's gonna end in a few minutes, don't worry." She told Y/n who nodded weakly in response.

"This assignment shall be submitted to me by the end of this week," The Professor announced. "I will hear no excuses. Especially, Miss Kang,"

Y/n's drowsy eyes focused as she heard the Professor call her name with a warning tone. "You should put in more effort. Your performance is getting poorer. You should understand that this age is crucial in determining your future. So let me ask, would I receive your assignment on time from now on, Miss Kang?"

"Yes, Professor." She murmured slightly. As the bell rung, she lazily picked up her things. Her phone buzzed and she almost groaned looking at the screen.

"Who is it?"Jisoo asked, silently observing her frustrated friend.

"My...aunt. She needs me at her place."

"Again?" Jisoo questioned. "How many times does she go out of town that she needs you at her house, huh? Are you her housekeeper? You've got studies too! Look how the Professor said that your grades are falling?"

Y/n felt a deep, familiar pang in her heart, as she always did whenever she had to lie to safeguard her identity as an agent. Jisoo...she was a beautiful person, her care and affection, her friendship, it was all pure, without any façade. So it hurt even more when she had to lie to her.

"I'll have to leave now," Y/n informed Jisoo, who nodded. "Make sure to rest up, okay? I swear I'm gonna come and talk to your aunt one day."

Y/n beamed, her heartwarming at the gem of a friend she had. "That would be great, but my aunt can't tolerate strangers. I don't want her to be rude to you. Bye, bestie!" She waved her hand, smiling a little.

"Bye!" Jisoo saw her walk away with worried eyes.


Jisoo sat on the bench alone, missing her friend. She sighed as she looked up at the sky, its vastness making her feel more lonely. She then closed her eyes, feeling the cool breeze caress her skin. Her expressions became soft because of the peace her soul felt.

"Oh, Jisoo! Good thing you're here." A familiar, silky voice spoke and she opened her eyes immediately, to see the owner of the voice standing right in front of her.

"Here, take it." He extended a cup to her, making her frown.

"Ice-cream?" She asked.

"Hmm." He grunted in response and shoved it in her palm before marching away.

"Wait! Why're you giving this to me?" She asked.

He turned halfway towards her. "I bought it for myself, but it didn't taste as appealing as I thought it would. It's better if I give it to someone else rather than throw it away, so here it is. You can eat it." He said and then walked away, not sparing her another glance.

She looked at his figure getting more distant with each step, yet felt him coming closer to her heart with each as well.

"I know you more than you think, Kim Seokjin." She murmured in a low voice, a smile evident on her face. "You never discriminate when it comes to food. And you're not as unbothered or ignorant as you seem. It didn't taste appealing? You didn't even touch the scoop, much less taste it." She giggled at his silly excuse, even though he couldn't hear it. "Thank you." She whispered, feeling a lot less lonely than before.

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