Chapter 3: I Trust Him

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Hoseok had informed me that I have an urgent mission at hand . So here I was, sitting in front of him, waiting for him to give me the details.

"How was your day at college today?" he asked, beginning the conversation.

He was a few years older than me, and apart from our professional status, we had a friendly relationship as well, so it was normal for us to talk casually.

"The usual," I shrugged, "or maybe a little better than the usual." I said with a slight smile.

"Oh really! What happened?" he asked and I gave him a wary glance. "Don't act so oblivious. As if you don't already know."

He laughed slightly, "Of course, but I wanted to know about your thoughts on how the walk with your crush went."

"Why would I tell you?" I mused.

"Hmm, looks like I'll have to believe what I already know." He pouted sadly, but then glanced at me again, with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "So, was it really just a boring little walk as I know?"

I rolled my eyes. "Boring, you say! It was literally the first time we even talked to each other. Anyways, it was a really special walk for me, and that's all I care about."

"Ok, ok girl! I am happy for you. But Y/n-ah!" he stopped midway.

I noticed as his tone changed- it showed concern and......worry?

"Don't love him too much." I gulped at the word 'love'. "It's just a cru..." "You very well know it's more than that." He scoffed. "He has a very good personality, I agree, but he is also a person who strives for power. You, too, are aware of how he eyes your position. Turning a blind eye to the facts and believing only what your heart desires is foolishness."

I sigh. "I know, but I can't help it. I trust him." He just nods.

"Let's talk about your mission now, shall we?" he said and we both straightened, the casual atmosphere now turning into a professional one.

"Your mission is to deal with the famous politician, Lee Jong Suk's murder case." My eyebrows furrowed and I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off. "I know, I know. The National Police had this case, originally, but since they couldn't find the murderer, they handed the case over to us."

I scoffed. "Why are they the police when they can't even fulfill what's assigned to them?"

"Well, it's good for us, isn't it? We get the missions and prove our credibility. Anyways, you have only got three days. The higher ups want the culprit within the bars as soon as possible to avoid further issues with the public."

"Got it boss! So we have to find the culprit and put him behind the bars. Easy peasy!" I said as I got up from my seat. My mind was already formulating the plans for the mission.

I was about to open the door when I heard Hoseok call my name. I turned towards him. "Be careful." He said, by which I knew what he meant. It was his advice to me, to be careful not only during the mission, but also- be eternally careful of Taehyung.

I sigh as I say, "I will. Goodbye, boss."

I went to the control room, and entered my private cabin. There, in front of many screens and high technology gadgets, sat a boy with black, spiked hair that were slightly tinted blue.

He turned towards me and yelled joyously,

"Noona (older sister)!"

"Hey, Yeonjun!" I greeted him as I made my way to sit on the empty chair beside him.

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