Chapter 10: I Hate You But Please Don't Die

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Failure had never sat well with me. I was accustomed to winning, and I chose not to accept any other alternative.

So this time, when the opposite team won the basketball match, I couldn't control my fury. Even so, all would've gone well had Hyun Su, the leader of the other team, not bragged about his victory in front of me, or sneered that our team had been born losers. That had been the end of my patience, and my remaining self-control erupted.

The next few moments were a blur, filled with the sounds of punching, kicking, and groaning.

When did this brawl stop? Probably when our principal made his way through the noisy crowd and announced detention for both of us.

That was when I realized that I had messed up.

I couldn't stay in college for detention as I had a mission at that time. I couldn't miss it either, since it would be our principal who'd be keeping an eye on us, and Hyun Su...he'll get suspicious if I make an excuse and leave. Besides, if my mom got to know that I'd missed my rightly-earned detention, no matter what the reason may be; I was doomed. I can't bear to see her disappointed in me.

I held my hair in frustration. "Why does my life have to be so messed up?"



Ugh. Why is that guy so short-tempered?

He has a mission and detention at the same time today. I won't be able to help him as I have a mission at the same time as well. I bite my lips, trying to figure out a solution.


It was lunchtime already. Taehyung sat on a bench in the grounds. He got startled as he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Y/n," his lips curved into a small smile. "Can I sit here?" she pointed to the seat beside him, making him nod.

She sat down and held out a sandwich. "Here".

Taehyung raised his eyebrows. Y/n spoke, "It's obvious from your face that you're worried about getting detention, but that doesn't mean you should skip lunch. Eat this."

"It looks like you noticed my absence in the cafeteria. Are you, by any chance, interested in me?" He smirked mischievously.

"Maybe," she replied just as playfully and dauntingly shrugged while beaming, before shoving the sandwich in his hands.

He giggled and thanked her. Unknowingly, he found himself comfortable in her presence.

A few moments passed by in silence, as Taehyung finished the sandwich. She glanced at him, thinking it was the perfect time to ask him to be her friend, but then again, she couldn't find the courage. "I'll get going now." She spoke with a slight smile.

"Y/n," he called as she got up, making her turn back. "Yeah?"

"It's nice to have you as my friend." Y/n's eyes widened. "We're friends?"

He hesitated. "Well, I want us to be."

She smiled, "I'd love to."

She couldn't believe he wanted the same.

Taehyung felt a strange sense of happiness inside him at her approval.



Taehyung decided to inform Hoseok about the situation. "I can't make an excuse, boss, as it will seem suspicious. Please think of a solution. Just, this time, don't let Agent 001 go on my mission."

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