Chapter 7: Some Spice and Drama

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"You can take a day off."

Y/n's eyes widened at Hoseok's words. Her boss never gave her a leave out of the blue. She squinted her eyes in suspicion and Hoseok laughed.

"Hey, relax. It's just...I know there was quite a lot of workload on you the last few days. So it's my way of making up for troubling you so much." Seeing that the wary expression didn't leave her face, he continued. "Besides, there's a really interesting mission coming up. It will require more effort...mentally, so you need to prepare yourself. Rest well."

"Hmm." She hummed, satisfied. "Well, I'll get going now."

"Sure. Bye."

She exited the room, her mind getting relaxed at the thought of her comfy bed that awaited her.

As soon as she left, Hoseok picked up his phone to dial a number. In response to the greeting he received from the other side, he only grinned before saying, "The plan's in action."



"I have to work with you? Has Hoseok gone crazy?" They both yelled simultaneously.

Standing near the warehouse they had a mission in, they stared at each other, incredulous.

"You don't have the right to disobey." Yeonjun's tense voice came from both of their earpieces, leaving no room for argument.

"Good luck," Yeonjun whispered before the earpieces went silent.

Gaze not leaving each other, both of them sized each other up, their faces darkening. After a whole minute of intense eye contact, Taehyung slyly smirked, eyeing her dark attire.

"Good to see you out of your wisdom cloak for once."

She groaned in response. "Ugh, let's just get this over with."

"Can't stand me for long?" He mused.

"Isn't the feeling mutual?" She echoed, shutting him off.

'Though my reason is entirely different,' she thought, 'I love you, idiot!'

She took out her phone and started typing something.

"We've got a mission to complete," he hissed as he saw her completely focused on her cellphone.

"I know, but trust me, this text is more important."

He breathed out in disbelief, her attitude was too much.

She placed her cell carefully back in her pocket and looked at him. "Done."

"I pray it's our first and last mission together." He said venomously, to which she rolled her eyes.

With a defeated sigh, they both silently made their way to the gates and with a final glare at each other, entered inside.



"Life's getting a little boring, don't you think? Let's add some spice to it." Hoseok initiated.

"What do you mean, boss?" Yeonjun asked carefully.

"Let's play match-maker," Hoseok continued with a sly smile. "I intend to send our top two agents on this mission together. Alone."

Yeonjun's eyes widened in horror and he shook his head, "That is a really bad idea."


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