Chapter 11: Identity

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"Here." Agent 001 spoke in a weak voice and extended a bloodied file to Taehyung after taking it out of her jacket. "The higher-ups must be creating a fuss. Take it to the Agency immediately." She felt her eyes close on their own and she struggled to keep them open.

Taehyung took the file from her hands. "What about you?" he asked.

"I'll survive a little longer. Send... someone else from the Agency for me." Her voice got low as she had difficulty speaking.

The file was more important. He'd found her, it was enough. He could call someone from the agency to take her back, but would she really survive that long? He wanted to walk away and save his own job but something held him back. He couldn't just leave her like that.

He sighed, placing the file inside his jacket.

Agent 001's eyes were still closed as she whispered, "Let me be. If I die, it'll benefit you anyway." His hands that were about to hold her up halted mid-air as her words rang in his ears. Did she think he was that cruel? Fine then.

"I couldn't agree more." He spoke bitterly. "It's not like I'm desperate to save you, but I would hate to lose my job. So, no matter how much I despise you, I have to do this."

Agent 001's eyes opened slightly as she noticed that he was lifting her. Her breath hitched as she felt his arms hold her strongly. His clothes got stained by her blood.

Careful not to apply too much pressure on her wounds, he carried her in his arms, back to the agency, praying silently that he won't regret this decision.


Y/n had been suspended for a week. The Agency couldn't afford the absence of their best agent for longer than that anyway.

Y/n had tried not to feel too guilty because of the look on Hoseok's face. To her surprise, it hadn't been anger like she'd expected but utter worry, all the remnants of his past anger forgotten.

Most of her wounds had been due to the strong blow on her face, head, and stomach that she had failed to block. There was no serious injury, which meant she could still go to college after a few days with make-up covering her bruises.

Taehyung, as Hoseok told her, had brought her as well as the file to the agency. After that, he hadn't bothered to stay for any update on Y/n's health. Y/n had shrugged it off with a smile. He'd brought her to safety when he could've left her there on the street, even when she'd told him to do so, but he hadn't. It had been more than enough.


Yoongi cursed under his breath as he saw the screen. Jungkook silently observed the records on the screen as well.

Grim Reaper had viciously killed five more women in a single day. The situation with him was worsening and all their efforts were going in vain.

He hated the fact that he couldn't link those clues together.

"Way to ruin my holiday," Yoongi muttered.

Jungkook looked at him. "Yeah. Sorry, hyung. You got off after helping me out the whole month and this happened. I feel really bad."

"It's not your fault." Yoongi shrugged it off.

"I just don't understand how we're still unable to get any close to finding him."

"You always succeed when you work hard, Jungkook. This time, you only need to work a little harder." Yoongi said with a smile.

"Yes, I will. We need to go to collect the details and records for these murders. " Jungkook got up.

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