Chapter 15: Your Eyes Tell

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Sprawled on his bed, Taehyung stared at the ceiling of his room, trying to get rid of the unwanted thoughts from his mind.

For some reason, his brain had decided to replay the earlier events on loop, making him remember how he had been surprised and then worried to see her cry, the way he'd held her in his arms as she'd sobbed into his chest, the way his heart had throbbed when he'd wiped away her tears and stared at her face; unable to look away.

He recalled those moments again and again, until his eyes fell on the wall-clock, which indicated it was half past midnight. He sighed as he realized he'd been thinking about her for hours.

He shook his head, forcing his mind to calm down and then placed his arm over his eyes, shutting them close so he could sleep.


Taehyung stared at the question paper in front of him. He was in the lecture hall, giving a test which was somehow a little harder than usual.

The girl sitting beside him hiccupped, her face reflecting a look of horror as she examined the question paper.

Taehyung was reminded of the time when he'd encountered Y/n in a corridor, and she had been having a hiccupping fit. He'd approached her then to reject her invitation to the party, but despite that, he'd ended up going with her.

The memory of how she had looked breathtakingly beautiful in that pink dress flashed in his mind, and unknowingly, a smile crept of his face.

Realizing what he was doing, he slapped himself to snap out of his thoughts. The girl beside him spared him a glance.

He cursed under his breath. He had probably looked like a fool.

"Hey, it's ok. I know the test is hard but we'll make it." His seat mate whispered, mistakenly taking his flustered state as worry.

He nodded, acknowledging her sympathy, when another voice echoed inside his head.

'Hey! Are you waiting for the rain to stop?'


Why was Y/n appearing in his mind so often now? He ran his hand through his hair, now clearly frustrated.

'I'm supposed to be freaking out over this exam, and yet, here I am, smiling while thinking of her. What is wrong with me?'

He scoffed at himself internally, and then tried to focus on the exam paper in front of him.

"God, this is hard." He groaned as he picked up his pen.


Y/n had received Taehyung's voice-message that he wouldn't be able to come for about a week. He apparently had some research work regarding his job as an agent at hand.

She sighed. It was going to be lonely without him.

She didn't want to admit it, but she had gotten used to Taehyung's presence in her house. The way he'd kept her company and helped in her studies had made her feel warm. She'd almost forgiven him for what he'd done to her.

Since he wasn't going to come, she had her apartment to herself.

It was night time already. She made her way to the window of her room. Cold breeze caressed her face and she enjoyed it silently.

She was missing him.

She remembered how she had fallen for him in the first place. The memory brought a smile on her face.

Y/n had visited Jisoo's house for the first time. It had been a few years since they'd become friends, and when Jisoo had insisted that she wanted to spend some time with Y/n someplace other than the college, she had dragged her to her home.

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