Chapter 4: We're All Grey

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"We were trying!" the boy yelled, rage visible on his face.

"Yes, you've been trying for weeks now, Jungkook-ssi. But did you succeed? No." The superior stated in his serious tone, before leaning backwards in his chair and crossing his arms.

"We had no other choice. The public's getting restless. Mr. Lee Jong Suk was adored by the people. They want justice. The agents will solve this case much more quickly, the culprit will be announced in three days time, and the public will be silenced."

"The agents. Right. They're so efficient that they'll solve this case, the one we've been putting our blood, sweat and tears into for weeks, within three days!" The sarcasm was obvious in his tone.

The senior simply shrugged.

Jungkook gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Let me complete this task."

The senior shook his head while saying, "It's out of our hands now, Jeon. The decision to hand over this case to the agents was suggested by the higher-ups. Just, try your best next time."

Jungkook's fists clenched, and yet he muttered, "Yes boss" before storming out of the office.

A while after Jungkook left, the office-phone buzzed, catching the senior's attention.

"Anneyonghaseyo." He greeted.

A small, bemused smile appeared on his face as he heard what the person on the other side said.

"Thank you for reporting." He spoke and put the receiver back. He tilted his head and mused out loud, "What do they feed those agents. They've already completed the mission a day before the deadline..." He let out a laugh. "Well, I guess if we still want our police department to survive, we need to play harder. Let's see how you do so, Jungkook-ssi."




His hands tapping on the steering-wheel while jamming to the music, he glanced at the red light. His lips lifted in a smirk as he ignored the signal and took off.

After a few minutes' drive, he parked his car in front of his house. He was about to get out of the car to open the main gate, when he abruptly stopped as someone knocked on his window.

"What the hell?" he muttered, before lowering the window. He raised his eyebrow at the person.

"Candies?" asked the person wearing a blue pea-cap, who was apparently a street vendor. "Or stuff toys?"

The car-owner furrowed his eyebrows as he asked, "Do I look like a five years old kid to you?"

"Well, there's a kid inside every one of us. Who said grown-ups can't crave for candies or tedd...., I mean," The vendor broke-off as he noticed the man glower at him. "You may want these delights for your beloved kids."

"Hmm," the man grunted, while thinking something. "Fine, how much for a teddy and these candies?"

The vendor's face lit up as he'd got one more customer.


He walked, silently, and gestured the maid to leave without giving any indication that she was aware of his presence. She nodded before muttering something about getting water, and leaving, giving space to the two people in the room.

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