Chapter 16: Agent's Last Mission

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"You..." Taehyung stammered as his breath hitched, "You're staring right at my eyes, Y/n."

"I know," she replied; her voice a soft murmur, "Because I can see a galaxy in front of my eyes. Taehyung, I was never blind."

"What?" A tear rolled down his cheek.

"I pretended. It was easier for me to pretend that I couldn't see you than to accept what you'd done to me. It hurt, Taehyung... your betrayal hurt me so damn much."

Taehyung wasn't sure he was breathing.

"I thought if I were blind, maybe you'll pity me and try to redeem yourself. That way, I'd actually have a reason to justify my love for you that still hadn't died, because, Taehyung, no matter what happened between us, I still couldn't bring myself to hate you. And it made me feel so pathetic."

Had it been the old Taehyung, he would've scoffed and told her how good of an actress she'd been, to have fooled him so masterfully. The present Taehyung, however, could only feel his heart writhe in pain as the realization hit him...

"You knew...You've known it all along that it was me who..."

"Used me as bait with the grim reaper? Yes, I did." The expression of nude pain and sadness on her face at the moment told him that it was true, and that even though she hadn't been blind or hadn't been suffering physical pain all this time, her heart had been bleeding continuously by knowing that he'd been the one to have hurt her like that.

"I loved you, Taehyung, long before we physically met for the first time at the bus stop. I'd always watched you from afar, but never dared to approach you until that day at the bus stop." Her lips curved into a sad smile as she remembered that rainy day. "And then we became friends... perhaps that was why your betrayal hurt me so much. I remember thinking that it would've been a lot better had you only been an agent and not someone whom I held so close to my heart. That way, the pain would have been quite less."

Her eyes glinted and his tears kept falling down her face.

"I'm sorry." His words were a whisper, finally being spoken after having smothered him for months.

He remembered all those times he'd thought that since she was unaware, it was ok. If only he could make up for his deeds without letting himself be seen as a betrayer in her eyes, it would be all right. This was how he'd comforted himself...this was one of the things that had given him the courage to finally confess to her.

"I've forgiven you, Taehyung."

"I don't deserve to be forgiven, though." He stepped back and Y/n's arms fell from his shoulders. The loss of each other's warmth stung bitterly.

Y/n reached out her hand to hold him once again, but he shook his head, "I don't deserve you, Y/n."

He took a few steps backward, his eyes holding a broken and haunted look in them. He turned away from her and hurried away, letting the rain mask his tears.

Y/n saw him walk away. Her eyes blurred due to the tears, and she let herself sob. So was it goodbye? Was she going to lose him forever, just like that?


Jungkook scanned the alley to see if could spot any movement. He turned a corner, only to halt as a knife was pressed to his throat.

A sigh escaped his lips. "Never in all these years did I ever imagine this kind of scenario, Yoongi hyung."

The person who held the knife wore a pea-cap and a mask that hid his face, his icy gaze fixed at Jungkook who'd now frozen in his place.

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