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He sat, leaning against the wall with a gloomy, sad expression on his face.

'I'm waiting for you.'

'Hope you're safe.'

'Please don't be late.'

He kept murmuring.

Glancing at the door, he felt that it opened. His face split into a giant, gummy smile. "Do Hee-ah!" Yoongi giggled. "I missed you so much." He kept staring at her. "You're not smiling at me, are you all right?"

He gulped. "Are you angry at me? Have I hurt you? Talk to me."

Silence followed.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Do you hate me that much?"

His tears fell on his cheeks.

Suddenly his eyes widened. "D-do H-ee ah" he stuttered and pointed at her. "There are bruises on your face, and your neck...your shirt! It's getting soaked in blood...Do Hee-ah! You're hurt!"

He tried to move towards her but was restrained by the chains that kept him bound to the wall. They clinked before falling back, their sound breaking the silence of the cell. "No, no, please, please let me go to her." He talked to the chains...begging them...

He saw she was no longer there. "No! Don't leave me...Do Hee-ah!" He pulled against his chains, trying to get to where his sister had appeared.

He then screamed, letting all of his pain out, but still, it did not lessen. He held his head with both of his hands, his body started shivering. He began to pull at his hair.

A sudden memory of his sister's mutilated dead body came into his mind. He let out another bloodcurdling scream. He looked at his hands. They were filled with blood. He began to laugh hysterically, his laughter echoing in the empty room.

He twitched his neck and then began grazing his nails on his face. Blood crept on his cheeks, mixing with his tears.

Even though the room was empty, a very familiar tune that he used to play on the piano echoed in his head. The tune he always played for his obsession, for his sister. The sound got louder and louder until it became almost deafening.

"STOP IT! Stop, stop, stop, stop." He banged his head harshly on the wall.

The door opened, for real this time. The person who came inside cursed under his breath seeing this view in front of him, and hurried to stop him from hurting himself.


"He tried to harm himself again." The in-charge of the asylum told the officer who sat in front of him. "There wasn't any sharp thing that he could've killed himself with, but he did great damage to his wrists due to pulling on the chains. Not to mention, he also hit his head on the wall, several times, and scratched his face with his nails. His hallucinations are getting more intense, and his mental condition is getting worse day by day. He seems to see his sister. He often calls her name. It looks like he can't accept the horror of her death. And the way his condition is worsening, I'm afraid there's no hope for him to get well."

"I understand. Please, take care of my cousin as much as possible." Jungkook said, getting up. The in-charge also got up.

"Of course, we'll do our best." The in-charge assured him. "You don't have to come here to check up on him every week, Jungkook-shi. Due to your promotion, you must be busy, dealing with the increased workload." Jungkook nodded with a smile and took his leave.


Yeji's green eyes filled with tears as she beheld her favorite toy that now lay broken on the floor. Taehyung hurriedly came and crouched beside her as he said, "Shh, it's okay. We'll buy a new one." She turned her glassy eyes towards him and spoke, "But it was a present from Yeonjun uncle! It was really special to me."

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