Five Years

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Besties I just watched Black Widow for the first time and i- um
Kill me
It was so. Fucking. Amazing. I CANNOT.


Music blasts into your ears as you walk along the side of the small gravel path. Darkness has set in and you stick to the shadows, trying not to draw attention to yourself. Your hands are jammed firmly into you pocket, eyes on the road, softly singing along.

Suddenly, you feel the hair rise on the back of your neck. A presence, you're being followed. You subconsciously turn off the song, your pace never falters even a little.

You hear muffled footsteps, a branch cracks under weight and in a split second you have a gun to the head of the person on your tail.

Her hands raised in surrender, her beautiful green eyes stare at you, a touch of amusement dancing in them. "You haven't quite lost your agility."

Your breath catches in your throat, you lower your gun slightly and your finger leaves the trigger.


You stare at each other for almost an eternity, until she clears her throat.

"Its dangerous out here. Do you have anywhere we Safely?"

You nod, leading the way to your bruised up caravan. She steps in as though she's lived there her whole life, leaning up against the cabinet. You hand her a beer, watching as she takes a graceful sip.

One half of you wants to throw yourself into the red head's arms, you want to kiss her and hold her and make sure she's real, standing right here in front of you.
And the other half, well....

You smack the back of her head, glaring at her as she winces.
"Okay okay, I deserve this," Nat grimaces, rubbing her head.

"You better believe you do. Its been five years, Tasha." You step closer to her. "Five. Years."

"I know...." She whispers. Nat stares at the floor, not meeting your eyes.

"Five years of believing you were dead. Five years of torment. Five years-" you stop yourself.

"What..?" She encourages.
"Five years of knowing you were still out there. Choosing to stay away from us."

Nat's eyes shoot up to meet yours. She looks surprised, apologetic, then chuckles softly. "I should've known."

"What? That I'd find you? You're pretty bad at hiding from me Romanoff. I tracked you down in Sweden, to Kazakhstan. Then I just...gave up."

You shrug and take a sip of your own beer, collapsing onto your creaky couch. "Five years..." You muse, closing your eyes.

You feel a warm touch on your back, moving to your cheeks and you realize...its been so long since someone touched you.

"I didnt want to stay away.." Nat whispers. "They were after me. Dreykov. The Red Room. My haunted me. I had to end it."

You feel a weight on the couch beside you and Nat takes ur face in her hands. She strokes your hair back. "I missed you."

You scoff, shrugging out of her gentle hold. Slamming your bottle on the table, a little too hard, you say in a cold voice, "Not one signal. Not one call. Nothing to let me know you're okay. Until I could track you down, I...."

"I didnt want to put you in danger."
"You should know I don't care."
"I know, but I do. I've hurt plenty people Y/N. You're not going to be one of them. Not then, not now..not ever.

"Disappear then. Leave. Why are you even here. Fake your death, again, and this time maybe make sure I don't find out."

You walk into your bedroom, slamming the thin steel door. Hot tears run down your face as you try and stiffle your relentless sobs. You collapse against your bed, burying your head in your hands.

You hear the door open with a squeak. Nat sidles in and sits down in front of you. A long silence and then..

"I'm sorry."

You scoff, turning away from her beautiful face, trying to stop your tears. "Shut up."

Nat slowly slips her hands into your shaking ones. She strokes your palm and, bringing it to her face, places soft kisses over it. You stare at her.

You cup her warm face, tugging her closer. She feels soft, real.

"I missed you... So much... It hurt..."
"I know...I know my lyubov.."

Tender kisses scatter across your face as she holds you in her lap, slowly rocking you back and forth. Her hands stroke your back and sides and you feel the frustration leaving you as she loves you with all her heart.

You suddenly notice the bruises littering her gentle frame, adorning the sides of her face and her collarbone, red and blue with the blood at the surface.

"You're hurt."
"We can worry about that later detka," she chuckles, picking you up with ease. She gets into the rickety bed, laying you on top of her and for the first time in five years, you feel complete. Right.

"I love you, my Y/N," Nat whispers into your hair and you feel at peace, the warmth of her love coursing through your body.
"I love you too my Tasha."

I wanna love Tasha like she loves everyone.....
And OMG young Nat and Yelena have my heart, forever and ever istg they were so...innocent....

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