{Chapter 1}

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Hey! This is my new story called Dwindle. It is a Motough fanfic. I really hope that you all love this story as much as I do. I'm so sorry that it took me, like what, a month and a half, but I wanted this story to be perfect, or as close to perfect as possible. So, here it is, Dwindle.

Beth's POV

I giggled as he tickled me. I scurried away. I walked down to the basement, hiding away from him.

Then, a little tickle reached up through my throat. It had already been aching, but at this moment, the level of pain had increased. I let out a wheeze and began to cough erratically.

I heard footsteps getting louder and louder. I turned my head around toward the staircase. There I saw Derek standing on the last stair. His wandering eyes were searching for me. He squinted. It was inherently dark. He raised his hand and ran it along the wall before finding what he was looking for, the light switch. He flipped the switch and the room illuminated with light. I had to squint at first before my eyes focused.

"There you are", he said. He walked towards me and handed me a glass cup filled with water. "Here, I heard you coughing and I thought this may help", he explained and handed me the cup. I smiled. Oh was I lucky to have someone like him.

"Thank you",I said. "You're very welcome", he replied. I lifted the cup to my mouth and drank the icy cold water down, gulp by gulp. It raced through my throat. I felt the dryness of my throat fade away. "Are you sick", he asked. I shook my head,"no, not that I know off". He shrugged it off and nabbed the cup. We walked upstairs and he placed the cup into the sink. We sat on the couch and watched the live action remake of Cinderella. I recognized absolutely none of the actors.

About halfway through the movie, my chest started to ache. It felt like there were pins pricking at my heart and lungs. I began to cough into my inner elbow. The coughing subsided and I pulled my arm away from my mouth to see blood on it. Derek noticed it, too. He stared at my arm for a few moments, unsure of how to respond. "Um, Beth, are you okay", he stammered to say. "I...I...I don't know", I answered. "We should get you checked, this isn't normal, it shouldn't be happening", he said. "Okay", I simply replied.


"Bethany Mota, room 12", the voice through the inter com called. Derek stood up and grabbed his jacket, my jacket and my purse. We walked out of the waiting room and across the long corridor. In the room was Doctor Conroy; she had brown eyes just like mine and slick, brown hair. We sat down in the two chairs that were across from her.

"So, I have reviewed the first results that we did from the tests, and it seems though Bethany has lung cancer", she explained. I shut my eyes, this can't be happening, this must be a mistake. "She'll need to come back to...", her voice faded into obscurity. What does this mean? Will I die? Why is this happening? These questions swirled through my head.


We arrived at home. I made a sandwich and toke a seat at the dining table. Suddenly, my stomach started to churn. I quickly ran to the kitchen and puked into the garbage can. Derek came racing down the stairs at the sound of me vomiting. "I'm fine, Derek. Really, I'm okay", I explained as he paced toward me; but he wasn't taking no for an answer. He helped me stand up and grabbed the garbage can to clean it up, to see that I had puked up blood. He looked at me, his heart shattered. I could see in his eyes that he was fighting back tears.


We laid together in bed. "Beth", he whispered, searching for a reply. I didn't answer. He began to sob, quietly to himself. I felt more pain hearing him cry than the pain my cancer provides. My heart had been shattered to pieces. I was inflicting pain onto my husband and I couldn't bear it.

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